Chapter Twenty

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Here's the playlist for Deal With the Devil. I hope you guys enjoy! And just a warning it's very random and mixed with so many genres of music lol.
Never Be Like You // Fume
What You Need // The Weeknd
I Feel It Coming // The Weeknd (ft. Daft Punk)
Don't Worry Baby // The Beach Boys
Where the Skies Are Blue // The Lumineers
Love Me Tender // Elvis Presley
Fade Into You // Mazzy Star

Tonight was the gala for the business expo Alexander was hosting. We arrived at the hotel not long ago and almost immediately started setting up in the large banquet room. It had three large chandeliers hanging from the ceiling that lit up the room with a warm glow. People were in and out of the doors setting up the tables and other equipment needed.

Alex had me check list everything that arrived to make sure we had all that we needed. He was directing people where to put things all while talking on the phone to various people.

That man needs a clone of himself.

Diana and Dimitri were sure to come tonight and I was dreading it. Alexander said we'd have to tell them about accepting Dimitri's request. I'm sure he won't be too thrilled since the idea was for Alex just to give up.

I gave a weird look to the men bringing in an ice sculpture of the logo for Knight Corporations. It was nearly August, how was that thing not melted the second they got it out of the car?

"That's a little much," I mumbled under my breath. I looked down at the clip board and checked another thing off the list.

"Anastasia!" I twirled around to see who was calling my name. A plump woman with too much blue eyeshadow was approaching me. I started to smell her overpowering perfume as soon as she stood a few feet away. "You are, Anastasia, right?" She made sure. She eyed me up and down, her face blank.

I nodded. "Yes, you are?" I asked.

"Maura Jameson, Mr. Knights event planner." She spoke proudly.

Congratulations? "Okay," I said with question in my voice.

Maura pursed her lips slightly and adjusted the emerald colored blazer that had jewels along the opening. "He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"He said all decision should go through you." She informed me.

I arched a brow. "He did?" I looked around the room quickly to see if he was around. "I-I don't know anything about planning these type of things." I said honestly.

She chuckled. "That's why I'm here."

Maura and I set up and directed everyone as they came in, taking over what Alexander was doing. I was basically there just to confirm everything she was doing. Maura did a wonderful job of decorating, her work was amazing.

Soon after we finished Alexander came back into the room, his hair was wild. He approached me with a stressed look that took over his facial features. "Hey," He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to put a kiss on the top of my head.

The unexpected gesture made my cheeks heat up slightly. Especially since he had done it in front of everyone. Maura gave me a knowing smile before looking over to Alex. "Everything's all finished, Mr. Knight."

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