Chapter Twenty Three

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So I've been really frustrated with the Hot List in the Romance genre of Wattpad. I'm not saying I'm some great writer, but I feel like what's on the list currently, some, if not most, of the stories are so poorly written and make 0 sense. I'm not going to name which ones out of respect for the author's, but it blows my mind that people are reading such poorly written stories. Maybe I'm just over critical, but those are my thoughts. Sorry for the rant— I just had to for a moment haha

Just two days until Alexander and I would be officially married. The papers were already signed and ready to go. We were having a private ceremony on the NYC Town Hall. Dimitri insisted he had to be there to witness everything. We were in no position to decline any of his requests at this point. A small get together was quickly arranged by Amelia. She insisted and is also someone you couldn't deny.

Marrying Alex wasn't the part I was nervous about. It was dealing with what Dimitri had in store for us. After talking to him that night nearly two weeks ago at the hotel, we hadn't heard from him since. Alex told me not to worry, but I could see on his face that Dimitri's silence wasn't a good sign.

I was at the a wedding dress store with Ronan and Scott trying to pick something out to wear.

Yeah I know, not the most ideal company to pick out a wedding dress.

My phone started buzzing and I saw Julia's name flash across the screen. Mentally I was freaking out. I hadn't told her or Nora about getting married so soon. It wasn't that I didn't want them to know, but— okay yeah it was because I didn't want them to know. They always seemed to have an opinion and it's like if I didn't agree with them I was the crazy one. Getting married so soon is a little wild, but under these circumstances it was totally necessary.

I hesitated before answering, attempting to scramble some words to tell her. "Hey, Jules." I answered too quickly.

"Hey, what are you up to?"

Oh not much, just dress shopping for my wedding on Friday. You? "Grocery shopping," I lied, continuing to look at each dress. I lifted one off the hanger that was adorable. I turned it around to show the boys. They were sitting on the chairs put in the corner, looking bored to death. They looked at me, both shaking their head no. I silently groaned and put it back on the rack. "How about you?"

"Just got back from seeing dad." She answered.

"How's he doing?"

"He's alright I guess. The pneumonia is gone so they can start treatment." She told me. I felt bad for pretending I hadn't already talked to Nora about everything. Her voice was strained with stress. The guilt of not being with them crept back.

I let out a heavy sigh. "Well that's really good news. When can he start?" I asked, already knowing.

"Sunday," was her curt answer.

"Why are they waiting til then?"

She further explained what Nora had said to me on the phone the other day. "They're trying, Ana. The nurse told me that he's almost clear of it."

"Well that's good,"

"Not really," She snapped, now sounding angry.

I was taken back by her tone. "I'm just trying to stay positive—"

"Yeah it's really easy to stay positive when you're two thousand miles away." Julia had never talked to me like this before. I know she was under a lot of stress, but I was helping the best I could.

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