Untitled Part 1

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The following story depicts a Mommy Dominate/Little Girl relationship taking place between two consenting adults. If this genre does not appeal to you, DO NOT READ. Otherwise, please enjoy :).

"You want to know the thing that hurt the deepest?" Snow White had asked, focusing out the window behind the Mayor. "Emma said she would have killed for a Mother like you growing up. I was sitting five feet away from her and yet, she wanted someone like you."

"Snow, I doubt Emma meant it the way you are taking it."

"Emma thinks I threw her away like a piece of garbage. In fact, that was her exact phrasing."

"Therapy takes time Dear. You have to trust the process and Archie if you want it to work."

"Yes, because you did such an excellent job of that with Henry."

If her words wounded Regina, the other woman did not show it. "If you have nothing further I have a five o'clock appointment."

"Yes, of course..." Snow had the decency to turn pink with embarrassment. "Regina, I'm...."

"It's fine Dear."

Making a hasty exit Snow White cleared the Mayor's office. Regina spun her chair to gaze out of the window. Emma and the two idiots had begun therapy to work on their relationship. Though the blonde dearly loved her little brother, it had not been easy watching all the love and praise he received just for converting oxygen to carbon dioxide. Everything the toddler did was photo worthy in her parent's eyes.

A quick scroll through their social media profiles and any idiot could see who the apple of their eye truly was. It was not Neal's fault, Emma knew that too. He was just a kid but there were many days when watching her parents with him drove a knife into her heart. Too many days that she recalled watching strangers interact in similar ways growing up. Always the outside observer never the intended recipient.

And here she was the Savior. No one was going to sing her praises just for managing not to spill her coffee. No one was going to take her photo when she made a cute face. No one was going to clap when she used the bathroom or remembered to brush her teeth. Per a previous conversation that had taken place at the mansion thanks to a bottle of Jack Daniels, no one was going to think of Emma at all if she wasn't 'saving their sorry asses'. She had taken Regina's silence as judgment and quickly apologized for being stupid and childish, leaving in a cloud of silver smoke.

Emma Swan. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Savior. But at her core, a Lost Girl.


"Thanks for inviting me over Regina," Emma said, helping the brunette by setting the table. Their son was upstairs showering up after an afternoon in the woods with Grandpa Charming. After a careful inspection of his person for ticks, the brunette came away with nothing and released him to scrub up for dinner.

"It's no trouble," Regina assured, stirring the sauce.

"Things are kind of tense in the loft right now. I'm thinking about getting a room at Granny's for a while until I can move out on my own."

Sensing that Emma wanted her input Regina nodded, "You could do that. Or you could stay here for a few days, to clear your mind."

"Really?" Emma asked, allowing a butter knife to glide effortlessly between her fingers. "I don't want to bother you."

"You are always welcome here, it wouldn't be a bother." Watching what felt like her second child continue to sully up the clean utensil Regina raised a disapproving eyebrow. "Put the knife in the sink before you give yourself a cut."

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