Untitled Part 11

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Rich throaty laughter filled the living room as Regina watched her Little Swan finish up her silly little dance. She quickly scooped the blonde up and placed her in her lap and lightly tickled her sides. "You're so silly, baby."

Emma squeals when she's scooped up. Settling quickly into Regina's arms. She nuzzles into her Mama's neck and sighs contently. "No you silly Mama," She giggles.

"Oh am I?"


"Well then," Regina laughs and tightens her arms around Emma's waist. "What do you say we take a break for a bit, hmm?"

"Otay Mama." Emma nods. Smiling and closing her eyes as she yawns. "What are we going to do for the rest of the day?" She questions.

Regina smiles softly and runs her fingers through Emma's hair. Hearing a soft purr coming from her little one she chuckles lightly. "Why don't we take a nap?" She asks. "Then we will figure the rest of the day out."

"Otay Mama."


"Grannys, this is Red, how may I help you today?" Said the wolf.

"Auntie Red, it's me. Emmy,"

"Hello, there little pup. Did you steal your Mama's phone?"

A coughing fit ensued, and then sniffles. "I sick."

"It sounds like you need some soup. Do you want chicken noodle?"

"Mhmm." More coughing. "M-mama's at work."

"Who is taking care of you?" Red asked, putting her pen down on the counter and moving to collect enough soup to feed an army.

"Umm...no one here. Henry at school. Mama at work. Other Mommy taking care of Neal."

"Is my other pup sick too?"


"I will be there shortly, Pup. Don't you worry."

"Red," Granny said, ceasing her movement toward the door. "Give my Grandpups plenty of kisses?"

"You've got it Granny."


The door was already unlocked when she arrived on the scene. The scent of sickness permeated the house and lead her directly to Emma in the living room. Wrapped in the thickest blanket, and leaning her head against the arm of the couch. Her cute little nose all red, and her lips a bit chapped. All her attention focused on The Lego Movie on the television. When she coughed it shook her whole body and left her paler.

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