Untitled Part 6

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Standing in her closet, Regina stared at what now constituted as Emma's half. It made her feel a great many things but none of them compared to the crushing sadness.


"When do you want to go get your things? I'm sure you have some packing to do." Regina had lightly suggested. She wanted the blonde under her roof as soon as possible, even though she knew it was a selfish desire that made it so.

"Dad is going to swing it by on Friday afternoon," Emma answered, folding some towels from the laundry.

"We could send Henry to help him out."

"It's really not that much."

"By not that much, what do you mean?"

"Maybe 10 or so boxes. You realize every time I moved it had to fit in the Bug, right?"


Staring at the mostly empty space on Emma's side of the closet put just how much a runner Emma Swan had been into perspective. Barely takes up any space at all. Even her part of the shoe carousel boasted of minimalism. She had spent a great deal of her life alone and this was what that looked like.

"I promise, I washed everything but I packed it away." Emma teased her, leaning in the doorway. Regina's sad smile made Emma reach for her. "What is wrong?"

"This is all of your things?"


"I just, expected more."

"Story of my life," Emma said, lazily inspecting her nails.

"You need more things."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Just more."


"I don't want you to be able to leave in ten minutes if you want to. I want you to be stuck here."

"If that isn't romantic I don't know what is," Emma said taking Regina by the waist and hugging her from behind. "You can't get rid of me that easy."

"Promise me we'll go shopping."

"Mmmm, Little Swan has some requests."

"Such as?"

"Stuffies. Lots of stuffies."

Regina chuckled in front of her. "Anything else?"

"To give Mommy special kisses," Emma whispered into the back of her neck.

Despite the shiver, it created Regina's retort was hard, "That has nothing to do with shopping and you know it."

"We have the Storybrooke Gala coming up. I haven't the slightest clue what to wear."

"Now that, on the other hand, sounds like the perfect excuse to take you to the seamstress."

"It will be more difficult to fit a ballgown in the bug." Emma jokingly agreed.

"I know that you mostly moved in here for Henry but it makes me happy too." Regina turned in Emma's arms, gazing at her with nothing short of love. "I want you here Emma."

"Tomorrow is the first day that I will come home and this won't just be a place that I am staying in. It will be my home, and it wasn't only for Henry. His mom is pretty hot too."

Though Regina rolled her eyes she granted Emma permission to kiss her. "I'm so glad she's hot."

"You thought I was talking about you?"

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