Untitled Part 2

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Awoken later only to find Emma nestling into her warm embrace. The blanket kicked clear to the blonde's feet which could only mean Regina must retrieve it. Hastily she pulled it up, and tucked them into her little girl. Lost in the act, Regina's hand had found the edge of a pale breast in the quest to keep the blonde warm. Need returning with a vengeance. When Emma didn't stir, Regina blissfully sighed. Regina did not want to think of how long it had been. That was beside the point. They had never... and therefore it was completely out of the question. Need pooling between her thighs. Emma was so soft, so lovely even in the dim light where blonde hair was barely visible. Her face, every bit the canvas of peace. There was no struggle weighing heavily upon Emma now. None whatsoever.

There is the briefest of moments where Emma's arm comes across Regina's torso, and a flicker of a smile is discernable in the moonlight. Regina does not want to acknowledge the lack of control she feels when Emma's touch is innocent. But then she imagines the softness of it if it were to caress over her thighs and Emma look up at her. Willing to do any and everything imaginable to please Regina. The way their lips feel together, embracing in passion. Emma, owning every single part of her.

Turning onto her side, Emma followed Regina's new position by pressing her still topless front against Regina's back. The heat from Emma's body, tiny in comparison to the heat roaring to life between the brunette's thighs. Feeling Emma's nipples grow to a hardened nub. Taking a moment to fluff the pillow beneath raven locks, Regina closes her eyes and attempts to will it away. Emma's arm drapes over Regina's hips, finding the perfect curve to rest itself. The steady feeling of the woman's breath tickling the back of Regina's neck. Gooseflesh spread, her nipples pebbled and grew firm, and the growth of arousal coating her thighs only increasing.

Oh God.



Regina needed space. Unmolding Emma from her frame, Regina beelined for the bathroom. One glance in the mirror found her hair only a bit disheveled as she splashed some icy water on her face. Emma's heat fading from her skin. Glancing into her bedroom, Emma had snuggled into Regina's pillow, quiet, and content. Golden locks splayed but doing a terrible job of hiding the fact that the blonde was very much a woman.

As a Queen, Regina had been on the receiving end of many offers from the fairer sex but for one reason or another had shut every single one down. Women were one of the mile-long lists of no-no's Mother had drilled into Regina's head, after she found lingering mahogany eyes.

"Save it for your future Husband, Regina."

Closing her eyes, she could hear Cora as surely as the day she had spoken them. Remembering the bodily inspection that had preceded the servants dressing Regina in her wedding gown. Standing before Mother, naked as her name day, Regina flushed with color as hardened brown eyes examined her slowly.

"I knew this day would come, still it is never easy for a mother to give her daughter away." Both of Cora's cold hands took an approximation of Regina's hips. "With any luck, your pain will be minimal."

Turning on the chilly water, Regina awaited the feeling to soak into her bones as she forced thoughts of Cora to the recesses of her mind. There was no need to dwell on unpleasantness with her sweet Emma in the adjoining room. In her, Regina felt every bit of love and acceptance found in another human being. It didn't matter what headspace Emma was in, if Regina sent a text message, called her, or entered a room, jade eyes lit up in adoration. A simple touch between them making a dreadful day markedly improved.

Scrubbing her face, Regina began to cool down. Adding hot water to the mix she found a more suitable temperature for a morning shower. Though the dawn had a few hours before breaking, she would greet it with a content smile. And if Emma slept through the night, a more manageable little girl.

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