Untitled Part 12

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With the car out of sight, Emma decided that now was the time to prepare her own breakfast. Sleep was off the table. Despite the calmness she'd felt packing the Queen and her Prince into the Mercedes, she was feeling a bit more emotional. Then there was a knowing smile at the surprise that awaited the duo when they arrived in Boston. She cannot wait to talk to them both tonight to see if it comes up.

Taking a sip of her coffee, she finishes up cutting up an apple for her breakfast. Plating it on her Princess plate and carrying it to the study. Unable to wait any longer to see what Mommy had left for her. There is a box on the side table next to the settee and Emma places her coffee mug and plate on it before taking a seat. She picks the box up and sets it next to herself before pulling the folder with her name neatly written across it into her lap.

Flipping it open, she finds a few coloring pages as well as some worksheets. There are a few reading pages thrown into the mix. She'll need some help with those, she knows. She'll either call Auntie Red or ask Mommy on their Skype session for help. Her and Mommy will probably go over them together at night when they talk. Making sure she has the right answers. Setting the folder aside she takes a slice of apple and bites it in half before picking up the prettily wrapped box. She hesitates just a second before tearing into the paper. Letting it fall until she's uncovered the whole thing. Gasping in surprise at the present it reveals. A brand new iPad. A wide smile spreads across her pink lips. Her ancient laptop had crapped out on her just a few days before.

Grabbing her cell phone out of her pocket she unlocks it and pulls up her messages.

E: Thank You for my iPad, My Queen. I really appreciate it. You're the best! I love you.

She sends before locking her phone and setting it down next to her. She pulls the plastic off the box and with gentle fingers she pulls the lid off. Carefully pull out the new technology. Her grin widens when she turns it on and she goes about setting it up. Downloading Skype takes a while but luckily she has one set-up from her days of luring fugitives in. Emma_The_Swan, was back.


In addition to her coloring, and reading pages, Emma went back to the itinerary, Mama had thought of everything.

10:30 A.M. - Be showered and dressed. Eat a healthy breakfast. Absolutely no sweeties.

12:00 P.M.- Eat lunch with Red at Granny's. Let her know how you are feeling at the time.

1:00 P.M.- Complete any and all paperwork for the day.

2:00 P.M.- Patrol with your Father or Mulan.

3:00 P.M.- Light snack. Choose any fruit that you wish.

4:00 P.M. - Check for any voicemails at the station.

5: 00 P.M. - Prepare your desk for the end of the day. Weather permitting, enjoy a walk in the fresh breeze.

6:00 P.M. - You may order a pizza. Money is in the right-hand drawer of my desk. I have instructed Marco to provide ONE chocolate cookie.

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