Untitled Part 3

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Swallowing over the emotion, Regina watched Emma finally drift into peace. To say the sex had been mind-blowing was the understatement of her lifetime. In her arms, was the other half of her world. For as much as Mommy Regina met Little Emma's needs, Emma paid her back a hundredfold in meeting Regina's. Pressing a kiss to her girl's shoulder, Regina pulled her in closer.

Her trail of tender destruction evidenced down Emma's pale frame. The day was only beginning in the eyes of the world but the passion had shaken Regina to her core. Having sex had never left her so open to another human being. It was straight to business and then nothingness or a glass of wine. In her Evil Queen days, a bottle at Regina's worst. But lying next to Emma, it all seemed so far away. Tears seemed her bodies way of naturally sharing just how beautiful the bond felt.

"Did Emma make you sad Mama?" Big jade eyes and a quivering lipped Emma asked.

"You showed Mama how beautiful your love is Emma."

"Not as beautiful as you!"

"More so."

Emma's little giggle, lit her entire face as she ducked her face in the crook of Regina's neck. "I love you, Mommy."

"I love you too Little Swan."

The words had come so easily. They alone were not enough to express what it felt like to love and be one loved by the woman in the bed next to her. Regina had spent years acclimating to her partner's desires and interests. Turning herself into this or that with Mother's advice always in the back of her mind. If you are lucky, you may learn to love him.

Those days were long gone but it seemed that those words followed Regina into the new world. The one created to ensure her happy ending. Looking back, it was laughable at best that she thought destroying herself would ever grant her peace. That watching the insipid Snow White fumble her way through a meager existence was going to return all that was lost to her.

Nothing could.

Nothing but a brown haired little boy and her glowing Little Swan. Those two things had assisted her in realizing that if Regina didn't like the story she was in, she just had to begin writing a new one. She had to choose it with every fiber of her being. Not because of fairy dust, like with Robin. He had been a good man, a careful, and thoughtful lover but Regina would always be in the shadow of his first wife.

The telltale whisper that made up Emma's snoring, made her smile. But with her swan, Regina was enough being exactly who she was. Emma who had seen her at her worst. Emma who had been on the receiving end of enough power plays, manipulations, and hatred she should not be able to feel a thing for Regina except contempt. Emma who backs her cute little butt up to Regina and pulls the hand on her hip, around herself. Sighing contentedly, not a care in the world.

Peppering the blonde's shoulder blades with sweet kisses, Regina settled closely. "You can never be a Lost Girl again, for I have found you, my love."


Going to bed with Emma and then waking up alone gave Regina flashbacks of the beginning. Maybe she had pushed too far in their passion the previous night. Nothing sent tremors of fear more than the idea that what they shared with one another may never take place again. That Emma would never look at her again. Never kiss her. Never touch her. God forbid she withdraw completely and take both Regina's girlfriend and Little Swan all in one swoop.

Freshening up with a wave of her hand, Regina dressed for the day and on her way downstairs when she heard an unexpected visitor.

"Being a quote, 'good person', doesn't mean you will always make the right decisions. We like to think that because it assuages our guilt but you're right Emma. It's more black and white than that." David said while Emma prepared something at the stove.

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