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Lyria was being dragged through a mansion like building by a huge muscular man who was at least three times larger than her. She looked around to see about fifteen large men just as the one who was taking her somewhere were positioned like guard dogs. They were all armed. It looked like they were warning their hostage if she had any ideas of attempting to escape she could forget them. They both climbed a grand staircase.

She had been in their custody for a day now. She had been bound to a chair for a whole damn day. They only unbound her twice to use the bathroom and to eat. Even though she didn't feel like eating but a sensible side of her forced her to eat so she wouldn't get sick. She needed to be strong to face the next coming circumstances.

She didn't see Eretria again. It confused the hell out of her why would she do this to her? Did she just kidnap her because she refused to go on a date with her? Was she that crazy that she would only capture her because she might or might not have hurt her ego?

The man opened one of the many doors in the wide hallway. He pushed her in a room. After she gained her balance she turned to find him ogling her. He watched her from head to toe licking his lips. Chills ran down her spine when she found lust in the man's eyes. He was up to no good and she couldn't do anything about it.

He advanced towards her and she abruptly took a few steps back. He only smirked at her naive attempt of escape. He approached her in a few steps. Lyria backed away to keep the distance between them but fell on the bed she didn't know was behind her. He straddled her quickly pinning both her hands which he freed from the ropes before coming here above her head. She started to squirm underneath him. She tried to disentangle herself. He was too large for her to even budge.

"No leave me alone." She screamed.

"Calm down. I am only here to do what I was told. I am not going to hurt you." He started to tie her hands again with the headboard.

"What do you guys want?" The brown girl couldn't help her tears.

Once her hands were tied the man lifted his weight off her only putting them on his own legs and arms. He looked down at the small but very attractive girl underneath him.

Lyria shut her eyes praying that somehow he would disappear. She didn't want to be molested by this man. It seemed her prayers were not heard because she felt his hand running on her legs.

"I can't have you but nobody said anything about touching." He whispered in her ear. On her tear stained cheeks she could feel his cold breath.

The door burst open. It made the man get off her quickly and her eyes to open. There was standing the person who was responsible for all the shit Lyria was going through.

"Get out Ross." She gritted her teeth.

"Ross" made his way out of the room briskly. Lyria released a breath of relief whereas she should be scared of the woman more. She was the reason she was bound to bed, confused, scared and unsure of her life but somehow her presence calmed her.

Eretria glared the closed door through the man just walked out of. The brunette's eyes moved to the crying girl. Her eyes softened quickly.

"Why are you doing this?" Lyria whimpered.

"What did I ever do to you?" She was now used to the feeling of her tears running down her cheeks.

Instead of answering her the captor shrugged off her brown jacket first then her shirt and then she unbuckled her belt.

First Lyria only watched her dumbly confused of her actions. Soon her blood ran cold when the realization hit her. The person she thought of as her savior just a moment ago was having other thoughts. She wasn't here to save her. She was the one she should be saved from. Lyria felt stupid for even hoping any good from her captor.

Eretria made her way towards her half naked. Lyria only slid as far away as she could from her. It was a lost cause she had to do something nonetheless.

Eretria grabbed her hips holding her still. She hovered above the wriggling girl.

"No no no. Wait please don't do this." Lyria sobbed. She pulled on her rope that only cut through her wrists.

"Shut up." There was a warning in Eretria's tone.

"Please." She whispered with her eyes closed. She couldn't look at her face as it would make it too real for her. She wanted it to be just a dream.

"I can't do this like that." The brunette exasperated punching the pillow near Lyria's head making her flinch.

She abruptly got off her and walked out of the room. The room rattled when the door was shut with a great force startling the hostage in the process. Her intensified sobs were not even subsided when the door once again was opened.

Eretria came into her foggy view she was still half naked but this time she had a duct tape in her hand. Before lyria could react she taped her mouth.

"That's better." She muttered.

Lyria could feel her on her again. There was no one now who could save her. She heard an inaudible sound of a zipper. She could feel Eretria's bulge on her leg. The goosebumps appear all over her body when a hand skimmed her leg and disappeared inside her dress. Next thing she knew her panty was peeled off her legs. She couldn't help but shake because of the involuntary sobs.

"Hey relax. I don't want you to get hurt." She whispered in her ear.

Lyria helplessly shut her eyes tightly moving her face to the side surrendering and ready to take what was coming her way when Eretria separated her legs and settled between them. There was no escape.

She was sure if there wasn't a tape on her lips she would have gasped at the feeling of her captor slowly entering her. Holy shit was she big enough to almost rip her. A twinge of pain went through her once she felt her fully inside her.

Eretria must have seen her reaction because all the movements came to halt.

"I am sorry. I'll go slow this time. I promise." She whispered gently. .

After a while Eretria started to move again knowing Lyria can take it by now. her slow careful movement changed into frantic thrusts. Lyria didn't want to feel it but her body had the mind of its own. A wave of relief jolted through her. That was it she had come. The reason of her climax wasn't her fiancé but a stranger. She felt the hot liquid shooting inside her. At last Eretia stopped moving but she was breathless just as her captive. She moved away from the brown girl faltering caused by the activity she was in.

A bile formed in her throat. She was disgusted with herself. She couldn't figure out where did she go wrong? What did she do to deserve it? It must be her clothes that provoked this person who just raped her. Was it the way she talked to her? Did she give her the impression that she wanted to be with her? Now she had even come. It would only encourage her abuser. She was scared that if she opened her eyes she would see a smirk of triumph. An impression of victory on her face now that she had won an orgasm out of her.

Eretria carefully removed the tape off her lips and freed her sore hands from the ties. Caressing lightly in a shallow attempt to make the bruises go away. She covered her in the bedsheets before moving away. Lyria not even once looked in her way. She just lied there unmoving. A click of closing door was enough for the dam in her eyes to flow once again.

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