Lust or love

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Lyria was startled when the door burst open and stumbled in the last person she wanted to see. She was drowned in her own thoughts sitting on the bed with her knees pulled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around them and her chin resting over them, when she was interrupted by a very much drunk Eretria. For a second, she couldn't decide if she should be more scared of her or not? 'Definitely more scared' she thought. because now she would be more sloppy and aggressive like her Ex whenever he got drunk, he would manhandle her. Even if he didn't have to.

Lyria sat up alert watching her captor getting closer. She was back already to hurt her more. It hadn't been even 24 hours since she molested her. She just raped her in the morning and had her some maid or sex slave tend and treat her after she walked out. The maid she didn't catch the name of, not that she cared, provided her fresh clothes. She showed her the door to the en suite bathroom where everything necessary was there. Lyria just walked emotionlessly into the shower fully clothed. For hours she sat underneath the cold spray of water. At last she changed into the new clothes. She walked back and sat on the bed. A tray of food sat beside her on the nightstand untouched. At this point the brown girl didn't care. She just wanted all this to be over quickly. She prayed by some miracle Ander would find her and take her away.

Eretria thrown herself gracelessly on the bed beside her. Lyria quickly coward back against the headboard. The brunette only sighed when she saw Lyria didn't want to be near her.

"Sorry." The drunk one slurred.

She scooted closer to the scared girl ignoring her whimpers.

"God you're beautiful." Eretria whispered caressing the trembling girl's face so lightly that she could barely feel her touch.

Lyria couldn't find the courage to move away or utter a word. She felt herself nailed to the place. She was so angry at herself for not being able to stop crying. Her touch was burning her. In that moment she never wanted anything more than to just run away from her captor.

" Please don't cry." She pleaded softly. Wiping the brown girl's tears with the pad her thumb.

"I am sorry. I am so sorry. God how much I wish it didn't have to be that way." Her words were barely articulate and her eyes were hooded.

"Why?" Lyria only needed her to tell her why she did this to her.

"Because I fell in love with you." Eretria slurred her eye were barely open now.

Lyria scoffed at her words.

"I wish I never had. I swear." She sniffled rubbing her eyes because they started to sting because of the tears.

"God why did you have to be with that guy? Huh why marry him? Why can't I have you?" She exasperated drunkenly. It made Lyria jump.

Eretria realized what effect her out burst had on the beautiful girl she had fallen for. She apologized quickly. "Sorry." Putting her hand on her mouth trying muffle her voice so it won't boom and startle the girl again. She fell down tiredly on the bed.

"I envy him." She mumbled drowsily in the pillow.

She saw her breathing steadied a few seconds later. She fell asleep. Lyria quickly got out of the bed and walked to the farthest wall and slid down. She sat on the floor hugging her knees. She was out of ideas. Her brain just stopped working. Devastated, confused, angry, scared all the emotions at the same time just made her numb. The person who forced herself on her was declaring her love for her. Did this mad girl actually thought that an apology would make her feel better? That in her own crazy twisted mind she calls it love instead of lust and confessing that would make all the pain she put her through go away?

Eretria's groan shook her out of her thoughts. She looked out the window the sunlight was coming through it. The bed was in the line of its bright light. She spent all night sitting in the same position. Every joint, every muscle of her body was crying in protest but she didn't leave the floor.

"Fuck." She heard a muffled slur.

Eretria held her seemingly aching head. Slowly she opened her eyes with a groan trying to decipher her surroundings. She glanced at the girl sitting on the floor across the room. The moment their eyes met Eretria looked away. She walked out of the room as quick as her hungover body would take her.

She did not love her. Even if she did she had a funny way of showing it. If that was her love Lyria didn't want that. Hell she didn't want anything to do with that psycho.

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