Love indeed

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Two weeks ago




She ran and jumped over a low concrete wall. Taking shelter behind it, she covered her head with both arms, shielding herself from the shrapnel flying from the exploded truck. She reached the safety of the wall in the nick of time. If she hadn't she would've been blown up with everything else.

"Fucking Anderson." Eretria mumbled sitting up. Ensuring it is safe to leave the shelter of the wall.

Her job was to deliver the shipment to the port. If only she knew he was working for their rivals. Why hadn't she seen through his actions? He had been shifty ever since they were given this job. She was usually good at sniffing out bullshit. She only realised something was wrong when the truck took a turn it wasn't supposed to take.

'Cephelo is going to lose his shit.' She groaned at the thought.

At least she put down the traitor but it wasn't enough. Her only flaw was she didn't put a bullet in his head first, instead of his chest. Then he wouldn't have had the chance to throw a grenade before dying in the truck filled with 5 million in goods.

She lost a few loyal men to this inroad. The job sounded like a simple task when Cephelo ordered them to get it done and now everything was gone and her men were dead. She would never hear the end of it.

She couldn't linger any longer to mourn her loss in case police, or worse Utopians came to finish their job. They were not happy when Rovers took over the eastern area of San Francisco a few years back. They wanted to take control of their formal territory again. She hobbled over to her car which luckily was parked at the safe distance from all the chaos that just took place.

It had been over a week now since informing Cephelo about the incident through her contact. She hadn't hear anything from her father. It was not like him. He usually yelled at her or had his men beat the shit out of her. She could take it all, but never in her life could she have thought that his silence would bring this level of fear to her existence. He didn't even ask for her to come back to LA. She didn't dare to contact him either. He was up to something. She had never blown any job as high budget as this one before. Sure, she did fail him at times when she was a young inexperienced teenager and was still learning, but she soon proved herself to him and became his favorite. It was the first time in her adulthood she let him down.

It had been a week since Eretria had seen her favorite person, thanks to the havoc that is her job. She only managed to see her for a few hours yesterday. It wasn't enough after being deprived of her beauty for so long. The girl didn't even know she existed. She was going to change that today. She decided it's time to  introduce herself to the girl who had captured her heart.

She knew it wasn't a good idea. In her line of business there was no place for love. Getting girls wasn't a problem for the Rover. If anything, girls threw themselves at her. But, she had only been with a few girls, in spite of her womanizing reputation. What she felt for the dancer was not just some crush. It was was so much deeper. As sappy as it sounded, but she felt like she was under a spell and the dancer was her enchantress. She couldn't sleep at night and couldn't rid herself of the thoughts of the girl in the morning. She had spent an entire month enduring this bitter sweet torture. She couldn't take it anymore. Forced by her heart, she finally decided to ask the girl out. She truly wanted to know this girl.

She took a seat in what she assessed to be the girl's serving area. Eretria patiently waited for her. And soon she sauntered in her direction. The Rover's heart started to beat at a violent pace. With every step the girl took towards Eretria, the more clear the details became that had been lost at a distance. Her camera did a decent job, but it was nothing compared to this.

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