Chapter 2 - 5

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Everything happened so fast...Yet...The time feels like it's going by so slow.. It felt like I was in a movie the slow motion parts and they go by so now...It feels like the time has stopped but it didn't...

I muted everyone talking. I couldn't hear anything. Sirens were heard screaming was heard.

Blood was everywhere. Zake was unconscious. Everyone was freaking out and I was covered in blood.

The voices they came back but I ignored them. What was happening? Why is it happening to us? Why us? Why my friends? Who is doing this? Why are they doing this? Is it my fault that they are getting hurt? Why do I talk to myself? Why do I have voices in my head? I ask all these question to myself hoping someone can answer me but everything was quiet. I pick up the bullet from Zake's skateboard and looked over at the building that could have been shot from.... Nothing... The attacker must have left quickly... I put the bullet in my pocket and was about to leave.

An arrow.

I grab the arrow that was shot at me. Very classic...Well it was shot close to my face but it was purposely missed. Everyone looked shocked but my friends weren't there to see so it was fine. There was a note attached to it. Clue? Or a threat. I opened up the note to see this words as my eyes winded open.

'Hello old friend....Missed me? It seems your...FRIENDS... Are going down one by one... Guess who is next! It's quiet obvious if you pay attention to yourself and as much as I want to continue this... This connection it's too bad I have to cut this short Next would have been Unol! I would love to continue but this is not my choice nor we have enough time...And to your questions... 1 and 2. You will find out soon. 3 and 4. It's not you. It's your friends and the same answer! 5 and 6.Why I am the one who is doing this! Also this isn't what I want but I have no choice. 7. Technically it's your fault. 8. You talk to yourself because...reasons you'll find out soon.9. you will see. Remember this? After all...A deal is a deal...Watch out...Old friend!'

-Yours dearly

This sent me down my spine. They are targeting my friends. Old friend? Do I know this Attacker? Continue? Continue what... The attacks with Unol being next? If I pay attention to myself? So it really is my fault? How did this person know that...Soon I will find out? what does that did she know about that? I didn't tell anybody about that part.... All of these are happening too fast...What's happening?

I quickly ran home. I didn't notice the black suit case in front of the door so when I opened the door and walked in I tripped on it. I didn't waste any time to see what it was so I grabbed it and walked in. I ran up stairs to the attic and cleared out an entire desk. I bring the bulletin board with Alloy's crime related stuff to the table.

I take the bullet out from my pocket and place it on the table. I sigh. I'll crack this case for you guys...

I take a quick shower in the bathroom before doing anything else. When I was finished I change to a baggy black shirt and blue sweat pants. My hair was let down not bothering to tie it. When I was done with everything else I opened the suit case. It contained X-ray pictures of her broken bones, cracks of her skull, pictures of blood, pictures of her wounds, the crime scene, bullets, notes, items, and recordings.

It seems I was wrong with which gun it was. The bullet that was shot turned out to be .22 Long Rifle. Not far from the first shot there lied a Ruger SR22.

I gathered everything up and started to search through those. I used a yarn to connect everything that relates to the crime. A shovel was indeed used and she was knocked out. Well from the recording that I received from she was. There was also a picture of a shovel with blood stains on it so very likely she was. I tie the pin that was pinning the cracked skull with a yarn and tie with another pin that pins the shovel.

Man that's a lot of pins. Anyways a pipe was found also with a blood stain near by the crime scene so that could have been used for the second crack.

I listened to the tape and what I heard terrified me. It must be some sick joke... Or someone who looks like her... It can't be she died 11years ago...

What I heard? This is what I heard from the recording...

'So...Did you see the attackers appearance?' Illoy asks.

'I can't quite remember...But all I can tell you is that it was a girl...around our age? She also looked a lot like Azulia but...She didn't have the blue fading out part...And her hair was longer than hers...She was wearing boy's clothes..She didn't look like a girl if you look at her body shape.. She said something about...All of this being not real..Just a mere story...I don't know..." Alloy answers her brother.

'Alright...Do you remember anything from the attack?' Illoy questions again.

' I was almost at the court yard to pick you up until...Well...I was hit on the back of my head with something flat possibly a shovel....Everything turned black....When I woke up she whispered....Run...Tell the world your dying....You'll be saved... It still scares me. What I did was push her into a wall and ran like she told me to. I screamed...Gun shots were following me..when I tripped near our school she shot me....Knife..Pain...Blood...That's all I remember.' Alloy sounds like she's reliving the nightmare.

I stopped the tape. Hoping this is all just a sick nightmare. Hoping all of this is fake....But of course it wouldn't be right? Just waking up in my room as if nothing happened..too quiche. It would be as if this is just a movie or a story. Anyways I have to focus on this crime before somebody else gets hurt. I had to solve this case so we could catch the murderer...

But what I didn't know was.... This so called murderer wasn't a murderer and it was impossible to find her...The only way to find her is to get her to find you.

The suspects were Sia, Kail and Zeil but It couldn't have been them since Sia was with us..It was a female so Kail and Zeil couldn't have done it..

I look further into the clues as much as I can.

A tomboy presume but her body shaped like a male? So it could have been Kail or Zeil. Or both who knows.. I look over at the X-ray pictures and picture of her wounds. I need more...I need more evidence just a little more.. I dig into the black suit case to find a bottles of poison with a note on.

'Found in a trashcan near the pipe'

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