Chapter 3 - 1

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I look at some other pictures, notes and documents that relates to blood samples, DNA check and other weapons that had Alloy's blood on it. All of the weapons were find in different places near the school but all of them were weapons that could have possibly made the 2nd crack. The blood that was on it was proven to be her blood. That didn't make any sense nor the bottle of poison. I did write a possible cut by a poisoned blade but this poison bottles were Botulinum Toxin A and C which causes Botulism, a fatal condition if not treated immediately or from time to time it's used for medical purposes. How I know this? Well I'm a detective and I read Sherlock Holmes. Now here is the confusing part both of them are empty which means they were used. Type C could cause an effect as the type H. Type H is one of the deadliest poison and as I said if it's not treated immediately it could be fatal. Type A on the other hand is used for medical purposes as well. You can be infected by an open wound or from an infected food.

Here's the question for it. Botulinum Toxin has an effect of paralyzing muscles. If you want the victim dead with this poison you would use type C or H, most likely type H since it's the deadliest. Now if the attacker was aiming her to be dead she wouldn't let Alloy bring attention to her but she did which leads me to this. She injected Botulinum Toxin type A as Alloy ran away and then used the type C after making a cut with a knife. When she injected type C Alloy became unconscious and the attacker have made the cut that goes across her stomach. When Alloy was discovered she was treated immediately as the ambulance came. Long story short the attacker wanted her alive but still slowly kill her but when she gets discovered people will think she's dead but she isn't. Which would lead us to her being in the hospital alive and slowly recovering.

It would take months to recover from Botulinum Toxin and the fractures. Here's the other question. Why are there so many weapons around the school with her blood on it. Was she beaten up on multiple places with different weapons or was it just a decoy to confuse me. With that much weapons and with the given amount of time which the crime was happening it was done by 2 or more people. It simply isn't possible for 1 person went around 27 places dragging an unconscious body and beating up the unconscious body with different weapons within 17minutes with no witnesses.... Or is it?

It is possible to have 27 different weapons in one place and beat the body up in and bring it to other 27 places and place it there within 17 minutes but! I'm not done yet have extra few minutes to chase her down with a gun and a poison that could be fatal without witnesses and do extra damage to her. It's simply impossible. All that has to be done with in 17minutes.

Partners in crime? Understandable but a solo crime? Not a chance. If there was 2 attacker then the gun shots would have been double shot or it would have been a lot easier. How are there no witnesses as well? It doesn't make any sense! My head is so messed up right now...

Over all this is my theory. When the bell rang Alloy went to the court yard to pick up Illoy when attacker 2 brought a shovel with them hitting Alloy on the head with the shovel which causes her to get knocked out. Then Attacker 1 and 2 carry Alloy to an alley way and leave the shovel there. They start beating up Alloy who was unconscious with different weapons that they readied and when Alloy slowly gained consciousness the attacker 1 disguised them self with a wig to possibly blame another non existing person while attacker 2 moves all the weapons in 27 different places. Then the rest folds out. Alloy pushes the attacker 1 to the wall and runs which angered the attacker 1. The attacker 1 grabs the Ruger SR22 and chase Alloy down. When Alloy was hit on the arm then her stomach lastly her leg. When she fell attacker 2 has came out from hiding spot to inject the Botulinum Toxic type C. The angered attacker 1 slices Alloy's stomach and then they run. It could have been possible that it was a work of more people but 2 people are enough for this.

The suspects? Well.. The current suspects are Kail and Zeil. Now that I think about it maybe Sia was distracting everyone while they did all this! I mean like after we left she probably gave them a text and Alloy was awake for about a minute or two. After all she ran and screamed when we were at the nurse's office. It makes sense.

A coincidence? I think not.

This now leads us to Zake.

Zake was sniped while doing his so called special move. His Skateboard broke and he was shot on the stomach. The fact that he fell and hit his head on the ground must have been painful. Just a little higher then it could have been fatal. We don't know which type of sniper was used yet but we are doing our best I mean we as in the police and I.

I pick up the bullet from the desk. An Advanced Sniper Bullet... A high caliber modern bullet. Primarily used by Fabricated Sniper Rifles. Shooting only twice at a movie target and hitting them perfectly is quiet impressive.. This could be the connection to Alloy's case. It could have been work of a partners in crime... That doesn't make sense but let's go with that since I can't think properly. Attacker 1 could have missed while the other attacker shot Zake.. It's possible or it could have been work of a single sniper. This isn't enough... I need more.. I need more evidence.

I throw a tantrum as I get frustrated until a knock was heard from the front door. I walk down stairs and open the door to be met with a dark blue side wave that fades to light blue with black roots. He was about 5.5" and had dark brown eyes. He was wearing a white button up shirt with colors that are folded neatly and a dress pants that reached up to his socks. His shoes were brown and it was made out of leather quite fancy for my liking but what can I say everyone has a different taste. This is Thomas. Detective Thomas. He is 13 years old but he is a pretty smart guy. He solved a case in a day and a half. A CEO of a science lab corporation was poisoned and his lungs were stolen with an unknown weapon. It turns out the weapon was an ice.

"Oh! Why hello there Thomas. What brings you here?" I ask him. "I came to give you some evidence that we found! Also I wanted to help is that ok?" Thomas asks. I smile weakly. "Umm.. My house is very messy right now...So.. I don't think it's a good idea with your fancy clothes.." I look to the side scratching the back of my head. "Oh it's alright! I doubt it's that dirty." Thomas smiles. Oh my god.. Such innocents... "It is that dirty." I block the door but Thomas gets through. Thomas freezes and I sigh. I carry him to the attic where it's a lot cleaner and put him down on a chair.

"So mind giving me the evidence?" I ask hoping he was back to reality.

No response.

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