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"Wow, you never really know a person...do you?"

Forgive me. I'm still recovering, and that means I'm saying stupid things to make myself feel better. It's been more than 10 minutes and Jessie and I are still here. Still staring at the two (previously) supposedly ordinary guys who are telling us that Drew, along with the rest of us, were saved by them, from forces we all don't know about but yes, have something to do with the 'conspiracy'. And what do you know? They know all about it too.

It's going to be maths in a few minutes. I must admit, Friday's are always a little bit crazy, and maths with Mrs Mitzeegh on a Friday afternoon is never a bore. But THIS? I'm having to constantly remind myself that this is real, all of it, and I am not just going mad.

"So," Damon continues. "Basically, Flynn and I used out powers together and transported everyone in that room -  the 'room of doors'."

"Wow, what a beautiful original name," Jessie smirks. I think maybe sarcasm is Jessie's way of dealing with shock.

Flynn rolls his eyes and Damon ignores her. "Behind each door is a set time and place. We just made it so each door leads to a different time and place in today. So, you guys picked the same door-

"What a coinci-"

I shush Jessie and nod for Damon to continue. "Yep, and you both ended up here - 12:17 pm, outside the Maths classroom. I suppose, all the other people chose a door that lead to a different place. What did we make again, Flynn? Like this morning, in front of the Science block, 3 minutes before class..." 

Flynn shrugs. Jessie and I both can't help but stare at Damon, as if he's the crazy one now.

He blinks slowly, and takes a deep breath. "So, Shayleigh chose the door leading to her fourth period class, at 1:36 pm, so she's not here yet, and Amelia..." 

"Nah, we get it." I interrupt. "We get it, well, all that we want to get. It's just, you know, a little much to take in at once. But, I would like to know what happened to Jada."

"Ok, hold up," Jessie raises a palm. "10 new texts from Jada. She says she landed just then. She detailed the ENTIRE thing to me. Okay, wait, let me skim it."

"Let me see." I peer over Jessie's shoulder. There's one thing I pride myself in, and that's the fact that I can read. Real fast.

"How come Jada and Drew were in the same room?" I'm staring at Jessie's screen still, and then land my eyes on Damon.

He scratches his head. "Dunno," he says finally. "But I do know something."

This time we both look up at him. "It's time, to go to class. Like, right now. She's about to close the door on us."

As we run into class and take our designated seats (nope, no seating plan, even better - a student made seating plan) I ponder on the facts. So, Jada was with Drew in a room of doors. They both landed 2 minutes ago. Drew's leg injury was gone.

Just as we unpack and get settled Jada runs into our class. I can see Drew behind her, who just waves a quick hello and goodbye and runs off.

Jessie and I stare at Jada, not really knowing where to start with all this. "Hey," I begin, but soon Flynn walks over to our desks and continues the conversation.

"Well, frankly, guys, we saved you all." His eyes skim over all three of us, including Jada. She raises her eyebrows. "Now, I know you guys are new, and probably can't do the same thing back. So how about, an invitation into the team. The C...what was it?"

"Wait, what?" I remark a little too rudely. "Sorry, I...Look, I- we just entered this team, and I am not the leader. We should be taking this up with Mrs Renee." There's something I thought I'd never say.

The Conspiracy Theory of June 17Where stories live. Discover now