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For the first time ever, I wrap my arms around Amelia, who hugs back a little hesitantly. "Lets go," she says, abruptly pulling away. "First, I shall release all the TCs."

With a wave of Amelia's hand (literally, who knew the girl had incredible powers!), the TCs pull free from their restraints and jump up to their feet, weakened but still eager to escape. None of them talk to one another or reunite with their friends, just start bunching up around us. Even though we're in a much better position than them right now, I still feel a little intimidated, especially when Parker, the super moody jock, stands right behind me.

Well this is awkward...

"We've no time to lose. Hurry up everyone." She turns around to look at all of us seriously. "Also, I can't guarantee everyone's safe return. So if we lose anyone, it's not my fault."

Everyone is horrified at Amelia's words, yet I feel myself admiring her blunt and brutally honest personality. She's always had that in her, I feel myself recalling. Thus, Amelia's personality kept everyone on their guard and not a step behind the crowd. I knew we were out here to...well, save Mrs Mitzeegh....but when you find about a dozen TCs in near death situations you gotta do something, right? I feel horrible for feeling this way, because I value human lives, even if they are TC lives, but I have this feeling that they may slow us down and get us caught so much easier. I really feel like we should...how can I put this...get rid of them, somehow, but I just can't say it out loud.

Mrs Renee turns her head sharply to look at me, and I immediately look away, my face blushed with embarrassment.

Jessie seems to mouth my thoughts subtly. "Flynn, were you joking when you said we have a whole army with us?"

He looks at her, his face blank, and doesn't say a word.

Amelia seems like she's leading us to nowhere, before she stops in front of yet another giant door. This time, it has no letters or lights illuminating it, nor is it open. Amelia closes her eyes, brings her fingertips to her brain, and almost immediately the door slams open with brutal force. She doesn't even give us any time to react as one by one we pile into the room.

The room is pitch black, just like the other one, but before I can ask Amelia, some lights flicker on.

Remember my reaction when I found out that Flynn was part of the conspiracy? I recall myself saying that he was one of those people you'd never expect to be a part of something like this. It's just...odd and strange. It's like having old people in an action movie, or a really geeky teacher part of some gangster club. Even though it's not impossible and not completely ridiculous, something about it just doesn't make sense.

That's just about the same feeling I felt when I saw Kevin standing in front of us, dressed in a complete black cloak, holding Mrs Mitzeegh by the arm.

Of course, the other thought that ran through my mind was, we've found her at last.

"Kevin?" Jessie and Jada exclaim in unison. "Is that you?"

He doesn't answer. Indeed, I had never talked to Kevin before, but I'd heard a lot about him and I'd seen him around once or twice. The things I heard were mostly good things, some...interesting. I'd always brushed them off as rumours. Anyway, I didn't really pay much attention to him, except when Vera brought him up in class.

Vera is a good friend of mine. We'd gotten close in German, stuck with each other for the whole year as we both did German major. She'd never come out and blatantly say they were dating but...it was kind of obvious that there was something going on there, and she never did anything to deny it.

The Conspiracy Theory of June 17Where stories live. Discover now