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"Glad you could make it, Jada," Mackenzie sneers. Jada narrows her eyes and pulls against her restraints, grunting, but with no avail. She leans back in her chair, which suddenly seems like it's drilled to the ground, and flicks her head so that her now messy hair would fall out of her face. She had put up a fight, but a simple girl, no matter how strong, was no match against a witch.

Oh yeah. Mackenzie was not, in fact, after them because she was jealous. No, she was after them all this time because she knew about it all this time, the things that hit Jada and her friends only days ago and had changed their lives completely. But she also knew things that Jada and her friends didn't know...

"How does it feel to be betrayed?" she hisses, with each word her eyes glowing brighter with that fluorescent green. Jada tries to look away, but she's hooked on every single pulse.

I need to learn magic...or at least...how to prevent it from affecting you...man, I should've read more Harry Potter when I was younger...

Ignoring her thoughts for a moment, she gives Mackenzie the biggest death glare she could muster. She might've won, well, right now anyway, but Jada wasn't going to cower and submit to her powers even then.

She looks down and tries to make sense of what Mackenzie had told her on the way here. She must've been right, the way her explanations fit in with every suspicious thing that Drew had been doing. She had stated the facts enough times now she had them memorised, the words floating around in her brain. Drew. Two teams at once. Insider. Double agent. Lied to all of you. Ultimate goal – to turn you in.

But Jada still didn't understand something. Why? Why would he do something like that? It was him who wanted to protect her, or so she thought. Was that all part of the act too? What they had?

At this point she looks up, and her eyes meet Drew's. He looks away at first, and the second time, but the third time he holds his gaze, staring into her eyes with what only seemed like deep regret and sadness. Only, it was too late now.

Mackenzie giggles, throwing her bright blonde hair back and slinking across the room towards Jada, the evil grin still plastered on her face. She pulls her face in until it's a few centimetres away from Jadas. "You owe me," she whispers. "You see, Jada," she spat her name out as if it was poison. "I saved you."

Oh yeah. That's another thing she claims – by kidnapping her, and Drew, literally by putting him under a spell, she had saved Jada from Drew's dangerous plans. As if having an earlier death than planned was better than dying later.

Well, she had to agree with her on that. Maybe it was easier to die once you know the truth, rather than seconds after you find out.

Jada gulps, not because she's nervous (Jada, nervous? Pff. You've got to be kidding) but because she's swallowing all those words that were threatening to leap out of her throat. She carefully chooses her next words. "And what do you want now?" She says, her voice dangerously quiet but steady.

Mackenzie smiles, flashing her sparkling white teeth. She moves away from Jada, and places her hands on Drew's shoulders, her fake ponytail flipping in the process. She says in a sing-song voice, "I just want something in return."

As soon as she says that, Mackenzie's voice echoing off the walls of the warehouse, Jada's restraints rip out of the tight bond that they were in before. Not stopping to marvel at her sudden burst of energy, she wastes no time. She leaps up, grabs Drew's arm and runs to the entrance, dragging him behind her.

Mackenzie's shock at this puts her seconds behind the two hostages. But before they can even take their third step, Jada trips and falls on her knees, along with Drew who's flung on his back next to her. She flips around and sees Mackenzie coming near them, hands up, a crazed look in her eyes.

The Conspiracy Theory of June 17Where stories live. Discover now