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"It's been a whole week," I say, pacing back and forth across the small yet spacious dorm room. In front of me, Jessie sits at the edge of the bottom bunk, staring at the ground in intense concentration.

"A whole week," I repeat.

Jessie finally stands up and comes next to me. "It's ok," she tells me. "Remember how we couldn't figure out what the coordinates meant? Well, we figured it out that night, didn't we?"

"Yeah," I say, running a hand through my hair. "But still. Why do you think nothing's happening, even when we've come to the right destination?"

Jessie sighs, almost in frustration. I must be a really annoying person.

"Alessia," she finally says. "Mrs Renee is doing everything she can. She went to Murdoch Street again, she contacted Amanda, she tried to travel back to that future dimension which didn't work but anyway, she tried. And we've been having meetings non-stop." She looks me in the eye, and then puts her hands on my shoulders. "It's going to be fine. You're overthinking this. Let's just enjoy ourselves while the mayhem doesn't start yet, ok?"

I gently nod my head, defeated. "Ok, we can start by changing the subject," she says. As I look at her, I see her expression changing, the ends of her lips tugging upwards to create a mischievous grin.

I think I know what's coming.

"So," she starts. "What's been going on with you and Damon?"

"Nothing," I say, a little too quickly for my liking. Acting casual, so she doesn't get the wrong idea, I add, "We've gotten to know each other a little better, but we still don't know each other that well."

I look over to Jessie, realising that my answer made no sense at all. Her slight smile has turned into a huge smirk. I can't help but laugh, which prompts her to burst out in laughter as well.

We both sit back down on the bed. Looking over to her, I say, "I wish I had someone to tease YOU about," Jessie lets out a muffled chuckle, "but I don't."

I get back up and turn around to face her rather dramatically. "But don't worry," I say. "My time will come."

As if right on cue, there's a loud knock at the door, which makes us both jump about a mile in the air. We quickly compose ourselves and I grab the door handle, twisting and pulling it open.

Speak of the devil.

"Hey, Alessia," Damon stands in front of me, wearing a faded Batman tee and sweatpants. "Dinner's ready." He pokes his head inside. "Hey Jessie. Nice to see you again,"

Instead of answering, Jessie looks at me with a smile with a meaning only I know. Awkwardly looking away, I look back at the boy at the door and answer, "We'll be down in a second. Thanks for telling us."

He smiles and walks away. Gently closing the door, I turn around and narrow my eyes at Jessie, who bursts out laughing once again. I try to open my mouth and object, but the words don't come out. I can't help but smile and I shake my head back and forth.

The ensuite door clicks open and out comes Jada, her hair twisted inside a baby blue towel. Looking at both of us, she frowns and asks, "Did I miss something?"

The air is filled with quiet chatter. The members of the conspiracy stoppers squad are sitting elbow to elbow next to each other in the quaint dining room table. At one end Mrs Renee is silently eating her food, staring down with a look of great concentration, listening to everyone's conversations, every word escaping everyone's lips and hovering in the air. Next to her sits Flynn and Shayleigh. Flynn is joking around, as he usually does, while Shayleigh next to him is wholeheartedly laughing at his antics. Next to them sits Jada and Drew, engrossed in some secretive chatter that no one will ever know about, casually putting pieces of pasta in their mouths occasionally. At the other end of the table, there's Damon, Jessie, and then me. None of us are really saying anything, just eating quietly and thinking about what led to this even happening.

The Conspiracy Theory of June 17Where stories live. Discover now