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The next few days were the craziest I ever had, in my entire life.

Thankfully, we had not encountered any more armed men or any more attempts on our lives, but now Jessie, Jada and I were more on board with the entire thing than ever before. I mean, who could blame us – having our lives threatened was no joke. And then figuring out this really elaborate code or whatever it was – and of course, the fact that a trusted adult, our English teacher, believed it was true. All reasons pointing to the fact that, there is, in fact, a conspiracy, and it involves everyone that was there that meeting, plus potentially Ms K and Mrs Mitzeegh.

It was hard, yes, hard to admit that these armed men, these dangerous forces were from an evil organisation from the future. It was hard to admit that and not just blame it on bad security or just normal criminals who were enemies of the school. But, eerily enough, no one else had witnessed the incident – time was still stopped then. If these were normal people, they would've never been able to attack us the way they did.

In case you were wondering, the CSS did get to continue their story this week too (minus Lucy and Amanda, who just didn't want to come meet us, apparently). Here's what they knew about the 'conspiracy' so far (aka a short summary of our five-ish meetings that we managed to get)

- This was not just some people from the future, but an entire organisation united on some common belief

- This 'belief' was not right or moral, as Amanda recalled (she couldn't recall WHAT the actual belief was though, which is kind of unhelpful)

- This 'belief' has led to some major policy changes in the future, that are also not moral, which is why supposedly why Amanda and Lucy fled

- There's something that they're missing, which they need from us in the past

- We have absolutely no idea what that is.

- Some teachers at this school may know (which is where our story comes in) but, seeing as what happened last week with the armed men, it may not be completely safe to ask them. Besides, we're already working on a lead.

- Our (Jessie, Jada, Drew and I) dream indicates that there are different groups, both in the future and in our time, that are dedicated to either stopping the 'conspiracy' or helping it. CSS is our one. The other group, the K&K, must be another one that we don't know about. But this means it's not just us who are in on the entire business. There are others – whether they are at our school, we don't know for sure, but Mrs Mitzeegh and Ms K are probably part of another good group. 

- Edinburgh, Scotland, has some significance to it all

So, as you can see, in regards to the actual theory, it's pretty vague. But hopefully, our trip will be more insightful, seeing as we're putting in so much work into it.

It's easy to just think 'well, then, what's the point of it all? Why are we bothered again?' But every time I think that, it's like a little button is pressed in my brain, and I remember all the little things that got us here. I remember our dream, our theory, the way Mrs Mitzeegh had announced her departure, the countless codes we got, the room of doors, and, of course, the time Jada almost died and Drew left crippled for life (Wow, that escalated quickly). 

But just when I thought things couldn't get any scarier, we heard back from Mrs Renee on how this entire trip was going to work. 

Mrs Renee had explained that she was going to stop time again, but this time for an entire week, which is how long she reckons it'll take. In our little city, anything and everything that involves us will be stopped. Basically, our personal lives and, unfortunately, the lives of those involved with us every day - will stop. This was the biggest thing that concerned me about this trip, and took me a while to understand and accept. I never fully did, but I think it was better off that way. 

The Conspiracy Theory of June 17Where stories live. Discover now