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"I can't move," I groan. "It's getting hard to talk as well. Guys, what do we do?"

For the first time in a long time only silence answers my question. I take it that they already can't talk, or they just don't have an idea. I don't blame them. I wouldn't answer my question either.

"I can't even...think." A faint voice, which I identify as Jessie's, calls back. After that, all I hear are the sounds of sudden shuffling and people breathing heavily.

Is this how I'm going to die?

Every second that passes I grow weaker and weaker. Suddenly I feel numb, and beside myself. My body feels like it's not under my control any longer. I struggle to at least keep my eyes open but my eyelids feel heavy. Too heavy.

As I'm just about to blank out, I hear some loud footsteps, as if someone was running towards us. There's a click, and then the dim lights are on again.

The lost energy starts to flow through my veins again. I jump up, no longer leaning against the walls and my eyes start to adjust to the lights. The heavy weight on my shoulder, which I know identify as Jessie's head, lifts off of me.

"Shayleigh!" I practically yell. "Flynn!"

"Good to see you, Alessia," he says, smirking his usual way. Without warning they leap forward and start to untie us. I can see Shayleigh's fingers shaking as she fumbles with my restraints.

"We have to get out of here. They saw us. They're after us."

"No," Flynn says, much to Shayleigh's annoyance. "We have to stay here. This room is perfectly safe. It's locked, and what's more we have an army just in case something does happen."

"Flynn," I said sternly. "This is serious."

"I'm afraid he's right, Alessia," Mrs Renee is dusting her jeans off as she stands up. "We're going to have to stay here."

"Mmkay," I say, a little reluctantly. Jada crawls over to Jessie and I and the three of us just huddle together, not saying a word.


A weak, faint voice comes from across the room. I don't bother to look at first. It's a male voice, I know that, and it's probably one of her TC friends. But when I see Shayleigh's eyes starting to become glassy, I sit up and look down the hallway.

It's Bob.

"Oh Bob," she starts, her voice shaky already. "There you are."

Indeed there he is. My mouth is left hanging agape when I see Bob. He's the only person I can see clearly from here, as one dim light is directly above him. He looks terrible. His eyes are bloodshot, his skin is speckled with red, blue and purple spots and shiny from sweat. He looks like he's going to faint with exhaustion at any moment, but the sight of Shayleigh is the only thing keeping him alive.

Shayleigh walks over to him, which surprises me because I would expect her to run over to him, in desperation and happiness all at once. But she's surprisingly calm. She doesn't even hug him or anything, nor untie his restraints. The six of us stare at the two of them, staring intensely at each other, not saying a word or moving.

They're just staring at each other...crying.

Jessie looks at me, and then Jada, but we just reflect her expression. We don't know what to do either.

"Alessia." Mrs Renee calls out my name once again. "What was this room called?"

"Um," I frown as I try and remember what was in those giant letters on the door.

The Conspiracy Theory of June 17Where stories live. Discover now