And Then There Were Three

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"" I began "I'm Sohpia"

The boys stopped growling and looked at me lovingly.

"I'm Cian. I'm the alpha over all of Ireland." He said, lifting my hand and placing a warm kiss on my skin. I blushed.

"Magnus. I lead the packs throughout Iceland." He smiled for the first time, and my heart melted right there and then.

"I've heard of you both! It must be so hard to lead an entire country." I paused, "but I guess... I'll have to learn. As... as Luna of both..."

They both smiled despite themselves at the thought of me being their Luna. I blushed.

"It's not so bad, sweetling. I have separate packs spread throughout different territories, I just lead them in theory I suppose." Cian winked at me and I giggled.

"I suppose we have to decide our next move... I have a castle right on the edge of the island nearest to Ireland...we could have a private ferry to transport you back and forth to us" Magnus said, thoughtfully.

I turned my nose up at this, but didn't say anything. They didn't notice my unease, and went ahead planning.

"Who is she going to go with first?" Cian said slowly.

This thought, began another glaring match. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I don't suppose you two could solve this easily right?" This comment started the growling. I sighed again.

"I'm just going to do this the easy way. I'm thinking of a number from 1 to 100. Guess which?" 16, I thought to myself.

Cian laughed and kissed my cheek, I even saw Magnus smirk slightly. They thought I was being silly, so be it. Someone had to solve this or we would have a war. I had to keep them happy.

"16" they both said at once.

I guess this wasn't the easy way. I burst out laughing. "Do you both have the ability to read minds?" I forced out between laughter. They laughed too, catching on.

"Okay" I said, "Back to business. Hmmm...." I thought for a moment. "Aha! I have an idea!"

"What's that, darling?" Magnus said, encouragingly.

"A hunt! First one to successfully track me wins! And just so you know, I'm extremely good at hiding. During tracking drills and hunting games, I'm always the last to be found."

The men's eyes lit up at this. No wolf, let alone an alpha, could resist a hunt.

I smiled, "I get a 10 minute head start... starting... now!"

And with that, I was off.

I shot out of the conference room, ignoring the stares of the other guests. I had a mission. I couldn't make it too easy for them. As I left the hotel, I immediately ran for the tree line. Taking off my dress, I quickly climed a tree and placed it high up, before sliding down and shifting.

My light colored wolf would be too easy to spot at night, but luckily it was still twilight. I ran about a mile into the forest, zipping around trees in a random pattern to confuse them with my scent. I knew a river was coming up and headed that way. After swimming across, shaking off my fur, and running again, I shifted and climbed another tree in my human form. This particular trick didn't work on my pack members anymore, as I had used it too many times. Most wolves didn't think about changing forms so often. The scents would mingle and make for a very confusing hunt. Wolves also can't climb trees, so most hunters never think to look up.

I shifted back to my wolf form once I was high enough and, after steadying myself, began my wait.

It was 15 minutes before the scents came to me. Chocolate filled my nose, and I knew Magnus was close. He was keeping his snout low to the forest floor, he had my scent. However, he wasn't looking up. He growled and began circling my tree, before heading back the way he came. I held back a bark of laughter. Obviously, he was a great tracker, if only he had looked up.

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