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After we spent the evening packing, my mates retired to their hotels, preparing for our flights the next morning. Magnus would be flying home in the morning, Cian and I in the afternoon. We decided that it would be best to just all go in together.

I woke up feeling a bit depressed. Today I would be saying goodbye to Magnus for a month, while I got acclimated in Cian's pack. I had no idea how I would fulfill my duties as Luna while my heart was split between two islands. The private ferry would have staff on call 24/7 in case of any emergency, and I could be there in less than half a day. This gave me little comfort. I wanted to be with my mates all the time, just like every other person. It was in my very nature.

Magnus' flight home was before Cian's and mine. As I hugged him goodbye, I swear I could hear my heart crack. My wolf instincts had my insides spinning. Logically, I knew it was only temporary. I would be seeing him soon. Yet, I couldn't stop the tears from falling. My heart mourned for the time I would be missing with my mate.

Cian stayed back, already waiting at our gate, while I said goodbye. Magnus gave me a sad smile as we parted for a moment. I had to be strong for him, he would be completely alone while I still had Cian.

"Magnus... isn't there anything else we could do? I hate that I won't be able to see you."

"I'm sorry my love... Cian and I... we just cant share you so closely. We won't make you choose between us, but we have to have some separation."

I pouted, all but stomping my foot in protest, "but it isn't fair! How will I get to know you if you're a sea away!"

He kissed my forehead lovingly before speaking, "I know. But we will meet again, and very soon. You will spend two weeks with Cian, and two weeks with me. And you'll never be too far from either of us. I promise we can make this work"

I looked at his beautiful face, his eyes so sincere. I knew I would just have to get used to this. I nodded my head once, before pulling his collar and bringing his head to my level. His lips descended on mine, capturing me in a passionate and mind blowing kiss. It lasted much longer than what would be considered appropriate in such a public place, but I didn't give a single shit. His tongue lightly traced my lips, and I moaned quietly, the pleasure of his skin going straight to my core.

He pulled away first. Both of us out of breath and blushing slightly. I smiled at him and pecked his lips one more time before I heard boarding begin on his flight.

"I'll see you very soon, elskin mín. We will have many opportunities to make wonderful memories."

And with one more scorching kiss, he was off.

There was still an hour to kill before mine and Cian's flight, so I wandered a bit. I needed some time to collect myself. I also decided that I desperately needed Cinnabon, a cure all for almost every worry to be quite honest. I grabbed one for Cian as well and headed back to our gate.

I saw his fire red hair first. It was disheveled, as if he'd been running his fingers through it. He spotted me and ran over.

He took in my appearance, I had hidden to cry for a moment before grabbing our breakfast.

"Hey sweetling. You could have told me if you were hungry, I would have bought it." He took the small blue boxes from me while smiling.

"I know... I just needed a minute to myself. And some comfort food." I smiled back.

We sat together and ate in silence until our plane boarded. We sat comfortably in first class, my first time in this kind of luxury. I sipped on my pop while staring out the window. I had no qualms in flying, I quite liked seeing everything from this high up.

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