Everything's Fine

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Cian and I ended up making out for a while after that, but didn't go any farther. Magnus was a human cock block, even from a sea away. His non-presence in my life was haunting me like a ghost, making my desire to mate pretty much non existent. Cian said he understood, but something in his eyes told me how sad he was. We took a nap, arms wrapped tightly around each other.

The alarm went off all too soon, signaling the need to get ready for the pack meeting. Cian went off to shower while I put got dressed. I decided to stay fairly casual; slipping on plain jeans and a grey off the shoulder sweater. I put on a light dusting of makeup to finish things off. As i was finishing, Cian stepped out of the bathroom. He looked fiercely handsome in a red plaid button up shirt and jeans. He smiled sweetly at me and gave me a once over. Lust flashed in his eyes briefly before he frowned and looked away. My mood darkened once again, the feeling of failure dancing in my stomach. I just couldn't bring myself to be with one of my mates, when the other would feel every second, all alone.

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me, "Its okay love. I know how hard this is for you." His eyes flashed for a moment with concealed sadness. It seemed to be more than just empathy for me. It confused me. But no sooner did it appear, that it was gone again. He began to pull me toward the door. We walked hand in hand to the first floor of the pack house. It seemed the rest of the pack had already gathered. All of the conversations stopped dead as they noticed us arrive. I straightened my spine and smiled sweetly. Making eye contact with a many pack members as possible.

Most of them smiled warmly at me. A few of the females glared openly. I gaped at their audacity. I'd never seen anyone disrespect a Luna before. Especially so fearlessly. It must have just come with the territory of running over such a large pack. I shook it off. I had no reason to fear these women. 

As I was thinking this, Cian began the introductions, "Thank you, everyone. As you know, I have found my mate. This is Sophia Harper, your future Luna." I'd never heard Cian talk so officially before. He stood straight and proud, the proper posture for an Alpha male.  I felt my face break out in a smile as I openly admired my mate. The rest of the pack seemed engrossed in his words as well. They all watched him and listened, giving him their full attention. As he finished up his speech he said, "Now, let's eat!" and everyone cheered and found their seats. 

Cian pulled out my seat, the one directly to the right of his. As I sat, a woman with gorgeous blonde hair and blue eyes took the seat to my right. She greeted me once we were both seated. 

"Hi! I'm Dariya." she smiled warmly at me. She had a fairly strong Russian accent, surprising to me as this pack had been at war with a few Russian packs a few years earlier.

"I'm Sophie, its nice to meet you" I said, smiling back. 

Cian got my attention, "Dariya is Declan's mate"

He had said is , did that mean Declan wasn't dead after all? 

Dariya must have seen the confusion on my face and said, "He isn't here at the moment, but I can introduce you later if you'd like."

I had no idea what to make of this, so I simply nodded and said, "I'd like that, thank you."

I snuck a glance at Cian, he seemed to be deep in thought. 

He snapped out of it once he saw me looking at him. "My parents are on vacation at the moment. They'll be back in a few weeks. They're on a retreat and I haven't had a chance to contact them with the news yet."

I nodded again, "That's alright. It'll give me a chance to get acclimated before I meet them."

Cian smiled and grabbed my hand. Food started being passed around and conversation was superficial after that. Cian ate first, as was custom, and then fed me my first bite. An animalistic ritual, to signify his ability to provide for his mate. 

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