Face the Music

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I turned around to the men slowly after my family left.

I grinned stupidly, trying to be cute for mercy. "So.... that's my family"

"Sophia... Why didn't you tell them before we got here?" This was the first time Cian referred to me by my first name. I much preferred sweetling.

"Are you embarrassed of us?" Magnus asked, his eyes looking so young. 

I almost laughed, "of course not! I'm just... scared. We don't understand what's going on yet. This isn't how any of us thought tonight was going to go... I just chickened out. I'm sorry... give me two minutes to try and talk to them please I'll make this right."

The men looked at me. Magnus ran his hand through his long hair, disturbing the already messy pony tail. For the first time, Cian didn't look at me with a smile. Luckily though, they both nodded. I smiled and ran into the dining room.

I saw my mother first. She was at the window looking like she'd seen a ghost. My siblings all looked unconcerned, the hungry pups simply waiting for their meals. My father was nowhere to be seen, I assumed he was in the kitchen sneaking some bourbon.

"Mom..." I said pensively, her head snapped up, seemingly broken from a trance.

"What is going on Sophia?"

"I don't know... I was walking down the stairs and they both ran up to me. I felt the pull for each of them. Alpha said that he's never heard of this happening before..."

My mother interrupted me with a cruel laugh, "of course it hasn't! Its abnormal! Disgusting... mates are supposed to be so intimate and between two wolves! You have to reject one of them!"

My eyes began to water, the pain of her words sinking deep within my chest. My vision blurred and took on a grey color at the edges.

"Sophia!" My father's voice sounded like it was echoing through a tunnel.

"Daddy....I can't... I can't reject one of them! The moon goddess gave me two mates for a reason, I just know it!"

My father's strong arms wrapped around me, his normal warmth being lost to my suddenly frozen body. It wasn't enough. His voice was soothing, but the words he spoke did nothing to calm me, as I didn't hear them over the blood rushing in my ears.

Suddenly, I was lifted. I could feel two pairs of arms now, and their warmth penetrated my entire being. The shocks from the skin to skin contact struck me to the core. I gasped loudly, finally taking a deep breath. I was moved from the dining room and onto a couch in the front room.

"Sophia..." Magnus said, running a large hand over my cheeks. I could feel Cian behind me, his strong chest against my back, kissing my hair and whispering calming words.

"I'm... I'm okay..." I said after a moment. "I don't know what happened. I started to think about having to choose between you and I just...please don't make me!"

"Sophia shh" Cian said, "no one is making you choose anyone. We will make this work."

I looked to my father, begging for understanding.

He sighed and ran his hands down his face. "I love you songbird" his use of my old nickname gave me hope "I... I cant say that I'm pleased. I know this is going to cause you some pain. People won't accept this right away" he paused again, looking toward the dining room where my mother was still. "But I've known these men for a long while. They have amazing reputations and can give you a very happy life in their packs. I trust in the goddess, that she knows how truly wonderful you are. She is going to use you for something very important."

I wont lie to you, I cried like a small child and leapt into my father's arms. He laughed quietly and kissed my forehead. 

After a few moments, I pulled away. "I should probably start packing daddy."

He nodded and let me get up. My mates followed me to my upstairs bedroom in silence.

I wasn't a person who needed too many things. I generally wore either yoga pants or casual sundresses. I started with my clothes essentials, the men helping here and there. I had packed a few things before the ball, knowing I was likely to find my mate, but I hadn't wanted to pack everything in case I didn't. I only needed two or three more boxes to be finished.

We had fallen into a comfortable silence, so it startled me when Cian spoke up, "Do you sing?"

I turned around, confused on how he had gathered that. He had one of my music books in his hand; a collection of solos by Alan Menken.

"I do! That's actually my favorite of my books" I said, smiling. I had loved to sing since I was fresh out of the womb, my dads nickname for me stemming from my passion. My voice was my gift from the Goddess. That thought reminded me, "what are your gifts?" I had completely forgotten to ask them in all the panic of the day.

Every wolf was given a gift after their first shift. Some were rarer than others, almost stepping into superhero territory. I had actually met someone who could use invisibility, but only as long as they could hold their breath. Every gift had their limits as well. Checks and balances are always important in nature.

Cian spoke first, "I can control fire, nothing bigger than a bonfire. It does come in handy during battle though."

"Ice" Magnus said, sulking slightly. The irony was not lost to either of us it seemed, "I have to have water nearby though."

Their rocky relationship made some sense to me now. Polar opposites, both with huge amounts of power but isolated in their respective countries. It couldn't be that simple could it? I didnt want to bring it up then, I would wait until I could talk to them one on one.

"And you, sweetling?" Cian said.

"I'm a healer. I can speed up healing processes by singing." I paused, "I can't bring people back from the dead. And I can't cure illnesses. It has to be a wound or a broken bone or things like that" I looked down sadly, a memory stirring. I stuffed it back down for now, I would cry for Andrea the next time I prayed.

Both men smiled proudly at me, causing me to blush. They looked to each other, a silent agreement seeming to pass between them. They rushed up to me and hugged me, before sitting me on the bed and sharing my small frame on their laps. It would take some getting used to, but it was far from unpleasant.

You wont have to get used to it, because you'll never see them at the same time again after tonight, a nasty part of my mind told me.

The thought threatened to stir panic again, but I pushed it down. I wouldn't ruin our time together with worry. I would be with these men for the rest of my life, surely they cant force me to go back and forth forever.



I'm baaaack! I know it has been a crazy long wait, but I promise I am here and here to stay! Currently, I'm taking a break from working myself into an early grave and I'm working on bringing my happiness back, including my passion for writing! I will be updating this book and my other project, Fly Away Monarch, much more frequently.

I want to thank everyone for the continuous support on this, and I thanked you with a pretty long chapter, for me anyway, (1200 words holy Toledo batman). As usual feedback is always welcomed and appreciated!

How do you feel about my added gift element? And the fire and ice? This story is meant to be a little cliché and I wanted the boys to be absolutely polar opposites.

Again thank you for reading!


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