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The first woman who took Escozul is from Conversano, a little town in the region of Puglia. Escozul is a homeopathic natural drug which is produced in Cuba and eases the pain; it is also effective against carcinoma-related inflammation. The woman, affected by glioblastoma, which is a very aggressive carcinoma that has struck her brain, has begun the trial of this homeopathic natural medicine only a few days ago; according to what her daughter wrote on the facebook group "Glioblastoma Multiforme-brain cancer" - anyone can read her report - she is beginning to benefit from the trial. "Now she is more active, less apathetic, she suffers less" writes her daughter. Several Italian patients have decided to try out the Escozul; most of them have already undergone the treatments suggested by the traditional medicine. Doctor Giovanni Paolo Sapienza, who supervises the medical oncology ward of the "Giovanni Battista Grassi Hospital" in Ostia, near Rome, has talked about Escozul during a science congress in Ostia. He began studying this "miraculous" drug after a woman among his patients had tried escozul out. About a year ago the Grassi Hospital turned into a landmark for many families that have been embarking for months at the Fiumicino Airport to fly to Havana(Cuba).
That medicine is actually available only in Cuba. The board of health of that country supplies it gratis to all patients, both Cubans and Foreigners; it is, however, indispensable to produce one's clinical documentation. For information contact: 
www.labiofam.cu. Therefore the daughter of the lady from Conversano will be the first woman from Puglia to take that flight of hope in order to get the necessary quantity of medicine to cure her mother. The Escozul, or Escoazul (short form for escorpiónazul - Spanish for blue scorpion. That is its commonest name in Cuba) is utilized in Cuba to indicate various blends of drugs which are used by Cuban traditional medicine against inflammation; its chemical composition may vary a lot but the basic medical ingredient is a very diluted dose of venom of the Rhopalurus Junceus, a scorpion species which lives in Cuba, Haiti and in the Dominican Republic. Some say it is a miraculous remedy but there is no scientific evidence of it nor has any real trial been undertaken. The Rhopalurus Junceus -the blue scorpion - is a big type of scorpion and it lives only in Cuba. This scorpion species produces the toxin the drug is extracted from. This scorpion, only in the wild, can produce two to three drops of venom a day as soon as it is subjected to a strong electric shock; the venom is the basic component of the drug and it is diluted with water. The effectiveness of this drug is not scientifically proven. Possible side effects are unknown. Escozul is frequently utilized in Cuba and it has spread its fame all over the world.

That was enough for Silvia to make up her mind and fly to Cuba. The person who had procured her those tickets nourished deep love for Michelle, no doubt about it - no raving lunatic was involved for sure.
Whoever had given her that new hope became immediately worthy of her trust. She would leave the others to their tours inside churches and shrines: she, for her part, would ask her miracle of the blue scorpion.
She would rather leave alone; Michelle could not deal with such a journey, owing to her condition, and she would probably be a burden to Silvia rather than helpful to her . Yet the "benefactor" had reserved a first class direct flight for them; it underlined a clear wish to let Michelle travel too. But for that the benefactor would certainly have opted for a normal second class flight, inclusive of two to three stopovers, so the flight price would have been a few thousand euros cheaper. Maybe that generous person lacked up-to-date information about Michelle's current state of health. Anyway the mysterious donor had chosen the best conditions to enable her to reach that goal.

Silvia turned off the oracle and got dressed quickly.
She would go to Michelle directly, there was no time to waste.
She would talk to her about this incredible opportunity and their imminent departure; she'd reassure Michelle by telling her that if she should not feel like sharing that journey with her friend, she would understand and leave alone anyway. Nothing could stop Silvia from getting to that unknown, far-off country since that very country would give her Pina the last chance to survive.

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