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"Michelle! Wake up, my love! What's the matter with you this morning?" 

Michelle opened her eyes and met Mark's. 

"You've scared me. I was unable to wake you up..."

She woke slowly up and recognized her spacious white room: its walls were covered with photos and there was a big mirror in the middle of it. Outside the window she could see the sea. 

"She was born..." said Mark with his eyes filled with tears of joy.

"She was born?"asked Michelle, surprised.

"The birth was very hard but she finally made it!"

Michelle looked around, puzzled. "I made a horrible dream" she mumbled. She involuntarily touched her breasts and she was incredulous while realizing she still had two breasts and one of them was no more missing. 

"She was born! She was born,mom!" shouted little Nicholas as he ran to her mother. Michelle smiled while recognizing her son.

"Where is Gaia?" she asked, worried. "She's still sleeping in her cradle. She had a really restless night, she cried in her sleep... she wriggled. You were very restless too. Who knows where you both have been..." wondered Mark, pensive.

Michelle got out of the bed: she was recognizing her life more and more. It was a normal life yet it was the most beautiful thing she could wish for! She ran to the children's room to make sure Gaia was sleeping soundly. She kissed her daughter sweetly. 

Gaia opened her eyes and started up for joy as soon as she saw her mother. "Mooomm mooomm!" 

"She said mom! Her first word!" Mark was amazed. "This is really a special day... we must toast!" Michelle turned to him and hugged him as tight as possible. 

"You can't imagine how happy I am".   Her eyes sparkled. 

"Yeah, I know... but why are you looking at me like that?" asked the boy as he was astonished by so much enthusiasm. "You were happy yesterday too, weren't you?"

A smile blossomed on her lips.

"How is Silvia?" she asked soon after.

"She is upset but happy. George is beside himself with joy. He had been wishing for a baby-girl so much... for his Julia Rose".

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