1 - Clinic

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Four cycles ago...

I'd always been pretty healthy, so I wasn't really sure of the process of getting help for my little problem. I remembered seeing a tiny clinic with a blinking sign saying 'Medic.' More accurately, it said 'Med_c,' but the outline of where the 'i' had been was still faintly discernible.

The place looked shady, but I went there thinking they'd be less likely to judge and at least no one would recognize me.

I was wrong on both points.

"Grayce! How are ya, buddy?" was my first clue this was not going to go as planned.

There was Quo, smiling that disarming grin, stretched so wide it almost hurt to look at. Despite the awkward circumstances, I couldn't help returning the smile with a weak one of my own.

"Quo! Ummmm... Wow! I... uhhh, how are you?" I managed to stammer, as I looked for the nearest exit.

"Oh, I'm great! I'm just loving my Calling. There's always something new to learn! I feel like I don't have a clue half the time, but its all so interesting! How have you been?!?! I haven't seen you since... Well, it must have been Apprenticeship, huh? Time sure flies doesn't it?" Quo prattled on enthusiastically, oblivious to my panicked expression and darting glances back toward the entrance.

I tried to make my excuses and back out of the clinic, but somehow Quo had gotten between me and the entrance, which was apparently the only exit.

Wouldn't that be a safety issue? I thought, momentarily distracted

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Wouldn't that be a safety issue? I thought, momentarily distracted. There must be a second exit around here somewhere...

Still not picking up on my unease, Quo guided me into the examination room as I surveyed the clinic for another way to escape the increasingly awkward situation. Before I knew it, I was perched on an examination table, the paper crinkling beneath me as my feet dangled, not quite reaching the step stool I must have used to get there.

Having checked my vital signs and confirmed I was still the living, breathing being I appeared to be, the Medic asked, "So, what brings you to the clinic today, Grayce?"

I guess Quo's run outta small talk.

My monosyllabic grunts, sighs, and non-committal "uh-huh"s weren't cutting it any longer and I had no idea how to start this conversation, or better yet, how to extricate myself.

I hadn't expected to be recognized, let alone to be having this discussion with someone I'd known as long as Quo. So, I did the only thing could do.

I stalled.

"So, Quo, you're a Healer, huh? How uh... how did that happen?" I asked lamely.

Quo paused, gave me a thoughtful look, then with an understanding smile and a small nod, continued.

"I guess it was no different for me than for you, Grayce. I woke up and I'd Bloomed. Initially, I didn't really feel any different than on any other day. But, as the day went on, I realized when I looked at others, I got a sense of their health. Nothing specific at first, but it got stronger over time, and with practice of course." A sympathetic chuckle followed, which I didn't have the heart to try and return.

Discovery - Bionts Series (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ