10 - Found

12 2 0

Our conversation was interrupted by insistent rattling at the door to the lab.

Someone was trying to get in.

Thank goodness for Sabeece's paranoia!

Bang, bang.

"Is," An authoritative voice called out between knocks. Bang.

"There," Bang.

"Anyone," Doorknob rattle.

"In there?" Bang, bang, bang.

"What do we do?!?" Astrid whispered urgently, wide eyes standing out from a face drained of color.

"Just stay quiet," Quodis directed, "They'll probably just go away if we don't answer."

Bang, Bang.

"We know you're in there - the 'Research in Progress' sign is on. Come out slowly, with your hands where I can see them."

"Sorry!" Sabeece mouthed, wincing.

So much for Sabeece's foresight. That light turned into a beacon announcing our presence. Given how early it was, this lab was probably one of the only ones occupied.

"Just a moment!" Astrid called out loudly toward the door.

"No. Open the door now! Enforcers, let us in!"

Enforcers? HERE?!? How did they find me?

We could see the silhouettes of at least three of them through the frosted glass. The one who had been doing all the talking was at the front, fist still raised from banging on the door.

"My hands are dirty. Just let me take off my gloves and I'll be right there," Astrid stalled again, scanning each of our faces in turn for any hint how to proceed.

Astrid whispered urgently, "The door is reinforced, they won't be able to get in without an authorized print, but I can't stall forever!"

"OPEN UP!" the deep voice insisted.

We heard a more distant voice call out, "Get the Head Researcher - we need their print to open this door now!"

So much for stalling.

I turned to ask Sabeece if our biosigns were still being blocked by the stream of projected mental minutia, but was pinned against a lab bench before I could get a word out.

"You led them right to us!" Sabeece growled menacingly at the Medic, getting between the two of us while brandishing a scalpel like a dagger.

Where did THAT come from?

"You're working for them, aren't you! I can't believe we fell for your stories about following them to Grayce's house and 'conveniently' bumping into us! You've been stalling this whole time, leading them here!"

"Sabs, calm down! Check Quo's memories! I'm sure the Medic's not helping them!" I struggled to get between the two of them, but Sabeece's free arm kept me pinned protectively away from Quodis.

I have few enough friends, I can't afford for them to be tearing into one another!

Nearly tripping backwards in haste to get away from the ferocious Counselor and makeshift weapon, Quodis spluttered, "Yes, Grayce is right! Good thinking, Grayce! Only..."

"The wristband!" Astrid chimed in, having succeeded where I had failed and managed to come between the stunned Medic and enraged Counselor.

Unfortunately, Astrid's conciliatory gesture, palms out toward each of the sparring partners did nothing to deter the Counselor. Sabeece continued to glare at the Medic over the Youngling's head. 

Discovery - Bionts Series (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now