11 - Intercepted

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"Where do you think you're going?" demanded the brawny Enforcer, stepping directly into the Medic's path.

The narrow passageway was effectively blocked by the Enforcer's outspread arms. There was no going around; we would have to deal with the Enforcer.

"To the Infimary," Quodis replied authoritatively, holding the Enforcer in a steady gaze. "I'm afraid my clumsy Apprentice Researcher is injured and requires prompt attention. Excuse us." Quodis gestured at Astrid's injured hand and began to lead the way past the Enforcer without a backward glance.

"Never underestimate the power of acting like you belong," Sabeece's satisfied thought came through and made me chuckle to myself behind the mask.

I followed, staying immediately behind Sabeece, focusing on avoiding any sudden moves that might draw the Enforcer's attention.

"You're not going anywhere!" The Enforcer roughly grabbed the Medic's arm before Quodis could get all the way past in the narrow hallway. "This entire facility is under lockdown while we search for a dangerous Individual."

So much for bravado and acting like you belong.

"I've got this," Quodis's thought reassured me, but I could tell the Enforcer's firm grip had rattled the Medic. "Just stay cool and follow my lead."

Pulling down the yellow paper mask to speak clearly, Quodis' low voice took on an ominous quality, "Take a good look at this Youngling, Enforcer." Quodis paused for effect, stepping as far to the side as possible, allowing the Enforcer a good look at Astrid.

"If you want to take responsibility for this injury, and any consequences of failing to treat a life-threatening injury, be my guest." Quodis said so quietly I could barely hear it from behind Sabeece.

Life-threatening? How badly injured IS Astrid? I strained to see, but the Youngling was slumped against Sabeece for support, face to the wall. Astrid didn't look any worse from behind, but that was small consolation.

What would happen to me, if we lost Astrid?

Would there be any point in sporulating, if there was no one who would be trying to figure out a solution while I was dormant?

Did we even know enough about the process to apply the serum?

I immediately reprimanded myself for the selfish thought. After all, Astrid was only in this situation because of trying to help me.

Quodis' louder voice drew me back out of my self- pity and recriminations, "I have other matters to attend to and didn't want the hassle anyway." The Medic's voice continued, uncharacteristically cold and distant.

Quodis cast a final disdainful look at Astrid, while starting to step away. It was as if the Youngling's condition meant nothing to the Medic.

Was my trust misplaced? Doesn't Quodis even care that Astrid was injured while protecting the Medic?

"Uh... hold on," the Enforcer stammered,  still squeezing Quodis' forearm, uncertain how to proceed. It was was times like this that I felt most disadvantaged by not being able to hear the thoughts of those around me.

The Enforcer finally released Quodis and stepped aside, waving us on. The Enforcer had decided taking responsibility for a bleeding Youngling was worse than the risk of a reprimand for failing to enforce the lock-down.

"Just, uhh, make sure you go straight to the Infirmary and, errr, stay there until we say you can go. It's... umm, for your own protection," the Enforcer called out belatedly as we passed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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