7 - Committed

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"Uhhh, Astrid? I've been pretty quiet while you and Sabs debated your 'moral qualms' about trying to save my life, but wouldn't it have been much easier – for all of us – if you had just said you couldn't help from the beginning?"

Astrid was so eager and well-meaning, it was hard to be frustrated for long, but really!? After all Astrid's conflict regarding helping me, I assumed there actually was some way to get me out of this mess.

"There is a solution, Grayce, but it does not involve triggering Bonding," Astrid began explaining, "The Blooming process is quite poorly understood, despite extensive research into the topic. I am fairly current on the status of the field and, to my knowledge, no treatment exists to accelerate or trigger the process."

"So I'm doomed or I become a fugitive, is that it?"

"In a manner of speaking, actually, yes." However brilliant Astrid was, those skills did not seem to extend to picking up on sarcasm.

Before I could say anything, Sabeece encouraged Astrid to explain with more patience than I could summon at that moment.

"To have any real hope of a life of your own, you will have to Sporulate, of course," Astrid said with no hint of a joke.

I'd have to do what?!


" 'Spore-you-late.' Some like to pronounce it 'spore-oo-late, but I prefer the more classical pronun-"

"However you say it, Astrid, what is it and how will it help me?!"

"Ooh, oh! Right! We will trigger the latent endogenous spore-generation process in your genetic code, well, it's not just in your code, it's in all Svatrans-"

"Not much better, Astrid..."

"I think I understand what Astrid is referring to," then turning to Astrid, Sabeece continued," And you should be ashamed of yourself - wasting your talents on such utter nonsense!"

"You called me into this, Sabeece. I presumed you knew about my current research and the types of solutions I could offer. One of my primary areas of focu -"

"Actually, Astrid, let me stop you right there. I know very little of the details of your work and Grayce even less. I know you have a brilliant mind, but I really know nothing about your specific work," Sabeece thinks for a moment how to say what comes next.

"I don't want to hurt your feelings, but what really recommended you was that as a you were the nearest Youngling who might have the brains and access to help." Sabeece at least had the good grace to color slightly at this revelation.

"Ah, I see." Astrid seemed to take this in stride.

"I will try to make this simple then. You came to me for answers and I have them. It does not sound as if you will like them, but this is the only way I know how to save Grayce - take it or leave it." With a  sigh, Sabeece gestured for Astrid to continue while I tried to reserve further judgement. There was nothing to be gained by rushing any more than we already were. 

"Our bodies will naturally conserve energy, right down to nearly ceasing all cellular processes under the right conditions. There have been countless efforts over the years to determine exactly how to trigger the process, and I have been -"

"This is a dead avenue of research! It's like transmutation of one element into another or interstellar travel. I thought you were more intelligent than to waste your talents on such worthless research paths, Astrid."

"Sabeece, have a little faith. Let me explain before passing such quick judgement.

"It is well documented that our ancestors sporulated at various times, when resources or water were scarce. It is how we survived times when the soil was covered in many depths of ice, volcanic eruptions that made it impossible to make food due to the lack of light - but  this is  basic stuff any Youngling knows - "

"Ridiculous! It's sheer idiocy that you took those tall tales, told to lull Younglings to sleep, as fact!" Spluttering, Sabeece's eyes rolled up in disbelief.

"The tales are founded in truth, Counselor." Astrid puffed up with indignation. "Not all their fanciful   details, but at their heart they are based on verifiable facts. I have made it my life's work to sort the facts from the fiction."

"Life's work? That's rich from a Youngling," Sabeece scoffed. The thought must have just been addressed to me, as Astrid didn't react.

Aloud, Sabeece replied gently, "I'd love to hear more, but we don't have the luxury of time. As you pointed out, Grayce barely has three cycles left. How does this relate?"

"Quite simply, once I had adequately triangulated the verifiable aspects among the various 'tall tales,' as the Counselor put it, I set about researching the requisite factors. I have developed a serum that appears to induce a sporulated state."


I spoke up, sighing inwardly, "I think I understand, and Astrid's right - I don't like it..."

As they say - those with few options lack the luxury of choice.

I continued before Astrid could start another long-winded technical explanation, "... But it seems like the best way... or at least the only option, to hide me until some way can be found to trigger my Blooming."

Astrid nodded, and my fate was sealed from that moment on.
A/N - June 28, 2018

Sorry for the late post. Family dinner celebrating the end of the school year and an 18th birthday 🎉🎂.

What do you think? Sporulation? Trigger Blooming...? Painful death at the hands of the Enforcers...

Wait, I haven't introduced them yet, have I? Stay tuned 😉

Who picked up on the 'proverbial' twist above? Bonus points is you can give the more traditional phrasing. 😁

Update: July 12, 2018
Dedicating this chapter to @Jash_Parikh for all the insight and perspective on the story so far. I really appreciate the time you've taken to help me improve. Changes are in progress - as always, any errors remain my own. (I'll formally dedicate as well, when I'm on a desktop - here's hoping Wattpad rolls that function out on mobile soon lol 😜).

Thanks for the ⭐️s and comments. 💖 TTYS!

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