Chapter 5

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He had been on my mind all weekend. I had worked at the bar Friday and Saturday night as well, and had therefore feared that he would show up again.

Fortunately, he hadn't.

Sunday, I decided I needed to do some work from home to improve my actual career at NME. Weeks ago, they had sent me a shitload of records to listen to and write down my views on. I had been too busy procrastinating to get it done and I suddenly realised that my reviews were due the next day. I sighed as I put on the first album by some upcoming rapper that I had never heard of before.


Later that evening, I hopped on my bicycle and headed for Sunday supper at my mum's house. My dad had passed away a few years earlier, and mum and I had kept it a tradition to cook supper together every Sunday night so we could discuss the week that had passed. I enjoyed those Sunday suppers at my old childhood home, and decided that I wouldn't let the thought of Alex sitting all cuddled up in his old childhood home just a few streets away from me, affect my night.

"Hey Mum," I called out as I opened the front door. I could hear her talking to someone in the kitchen. Probably her friend Esther. My mum was too busy laughing at something to respond to me. Either that or she simply didn't hear me.

"Mum, I'm here," I yelled again - This time louder than before.

She emerged in the hallway with a big grin on her face, "Isobel!" She pulled me in for a hug, "You'll never guess who I ran into at the park!" She squealed.

"Who? Esther?" I asked with a laugh as I stepped out of my sneakers. I noticed a pair of black chelsea boots. Who the hell would wear boots during summer? Definitely not Esther. Unless her feet had grown at least four sizes.

"Hey Is," I heard a man call from the door. At the same time, I saw my mum throwing her hands in the air, gesturing to the man in front of me, while saying "ta-dah!"

I was looking directly into Alex' huge brown eyes. From the cliché boots, I should've guessed that it was him but I would've much preferred if Esther had grown mutant feet overnight.

Alex didn't look as greasy as he had done the other night but still greasy enough to not resemble my Alex.

"Your mum invited me for supper," he said with a smug face, "I hope it's alright."

"Just splendid," I said through gritted teeth. I hadn't told my mum about what had happened between Alex and I all those years ago. She was under the impression that him and I had simply grown apart - as teenagers do.

"I better go check on the sauce," Alex winked at me and turned on his heel, leaving me alone with my mum in the hallway.

"Why the hell did you invite him over? I haven't seen him in six years!" I hissed at her.

"You were such good friends, Isobel.. Dad and I always liked him, you know. He's such a charming young man!"

"I know. And that's exactly why I don't want him here! He is not charming - he's manipulative," I whispered to her, "he's a snake!"

She sighed at my comment and said, "well, we can't send him home now can we? Not since he cooked and everything. Look, I'll pretend I'm tired if it gets too awkward, alright?"

I knew my mum well enough to know that there was no point in arguing. I flung my arms up in defeat and followed her to the kitchen where Alex was putting on my mum's homemade oven mittens.

"You two lovely gals ready in 10 minutes?" He winked while opening the oven to check on the garlic bread in there - Something Alex and I used to eat tons of when we were spotted teenagers. I honestly hadn't touched it since.

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