Chapter 26

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"FUCK! The wine," I said as I entered the car, "I need to run back upstairs!"

"Just take your time, It's not like I'm holding back traffic or anything," he teased me as ran back inside.

A week had passed since Alex and I had admitted our feelings to each other. We weren't exactly an official couple but we were definitely trying things out. We had decided to go slow as neither of us wanted to rush into anything. He had picked me up from work every day, and we had spent our evenings kissing on the sofa with some bad movie playing in the background. After having felt his erection against my thighs every night for almost a week, he had finally decided to do something about it yesterday. As I grabbed the wine bottle from the kitchen countertop, I couldn't help but smile as memories from last night flooded my mind, making my cheeks flush.

With the wine bottle in hand, I hurried down the stairs and into the silver-grey Prius that Alex had borrowed from his parents with the sole purpose of picking me up.

"Nervous?" he asked me as I had fastened my seatbelt.

"A bit.."

"Don't be. She's going to be so thrilled!"

"That's exactly why I'm nervous! She is going to smother us! I don't even love you as much as she does," I said.

I hadn't told my mum anything yet but Alex had insisted that he should come around for Sunday supper so we could tell her that he would be staying in Sheffield for a while. That he would be staying with me.

Alex laughed a hearty laugh, "yeah. I know. She's going to be insufferable when we tell her that we're trying things out."

"Should we maybe film her reaction?" I laughed.

"Leave the poor woman alone. She has been through enough - she was without me for six years so I get why she'd be thrilled having me back," he winked at me.

"Now look who's insufferable," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, I just realised something!" Alex interrupted me.

"Oh yeah?"

"Remember your mum and dad's bet?"

"Fuck! I can't believe even my parents knew!"

Alex laughed at my outburst and said, "yep. Your obliviousness is gonna cost you 10 quids."

"Worth it!" I said and smiled at Alex who winked at me before he put on his black aviators. I leaned back in the seat and gave out a contempt sigh. All was good.

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