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I can feel the bass of the music playing as I sway my hips to beat. The smell of sweat,smoke,and booze hit my nostrils as I stopped to catch my breath. The dance floor was cramped with bodies grinding all over each other and I knew I had to find a way out before I passed out. As I came into the kitchen I headed straight to the refrigerator to look for a nice cold beer.

To my luck there was only one left and it was on the top shelf and I knew my 5'4 self wouldn't be able to reach it, but I just went on my tip toes and tried as hard as I could. I failed miserably and when I was about to give up I felt a presence behind me. I didn't have time to see who the person was because they had already pulled out the cold beer in front of me.

When I finally turned around I came face to face with a gorgeous looking guy . He was 6'3 and towering over my body. He has dark brown hair and a beautifully shade of light brown. I've never seen him around before but I guess he transferred here a couple days ago because our senior year starts in like 2 days.

"Here you go" the guy said to me while moving back to give me some space. Well hot damn his voice matches his looks. I thought.

"Thanks" I said back to him with a smile. While I made my way to one of the stools with him trailing after me.

"No prob anyways my names Valentino Marquez just moved here with my mom and her new husband" he said with a grimace at the end.

"Casey Monroe" I said back.

"So do you live around here?" Valentino asked.

"Yeah I actually live 3 blocks away from here".

"Cool I live across the street, that red and white house over there".

Was he talking about Trent's house? Trent never told me his dad was getting remarried much less getting a new step brother. Oh how I wish he was here so he could have sorted it out. I wonder how dinner with his dad is going ?

I sighed running my hand through my hair. Maybe I could ask him tomorrow. Yeah that sounded like a good idea. Thinking about him makes-

"Uh Casey" Valentino asked with a smirk on his face.

"What? Oh sorry I was busy thinking about something" I replied with a sheepish smile but I had to look away so he wouldn't see my face heat up.

"As I was saying, do you know my step brother Trent Hayes ?"

"Umm...yeah I do were umm friends" Why did I feel the need to lie to him?

"Well ok? Anyways what grade are you in ?"

"I'm going to be a senior this year,what about you ?"

"Cool, me too" he said with a grin.

"So what are your favorite things to do ? Valentino asked.

"Well I'm captain of the cheerleading team and I'm on the swim team."

"Nice, well I play soccer and lacrosse".

"Ok sounds interesting but I'm gonna head back out and try to look for my friends" I said while jumping off the stool.

"Ok well It was nice meeting you Casey".

"It was nice meeting you too Valentino" I said with a smile.

As I took three steps forward I felt him grab my wrist.

"Wait! Can I have your number?" He asked with a bit of pink appearing on his cheeks.

Hmm so he was embarrassed? I think I'll have fun with this.

"I don't know I just don't go around giving strangers my number" I said with a smirk.

Valentino scoffed "I am far from being a stranger and you know it" He said with a smirk too.

"Well if you put it like that then I guess I can accept your plea ".

"What?! I am not begging for your number, I just simply asked for it" Valentino stated clenching his jaw.

" Whoa calm down hot shot I was kidding" I said back to him with a smile.

" Whatever" he mumbled before he handed me his phone.

I quickly typed in my number and sent myself a text so I can receive his.

"Well I guess that's settled I'll see you later Valentino" I said to him with a small wave.

"Yeah see you later Casey" Valentino called back to me as I reached the door.

A/N: Hey guys hope you guys think this book Is interesting so far and I'll update as soon as I can!!Anyways what do you guys think about Valentino ? Does he seem like a sweetheart or a heartbreaker ? Feel free to comment on what you think about him.


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