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Casey's POV

I was probably crying for like 5 minutes till I heard someone walking towards me. At first I thought it would be Cole but when I looked up I was shocked to see Valentino. I sat there frozen trying to come up with a reason as to why he was here, but came up short so I just gave up.

"What are you doing here" I asked barely a whisper with my lips trembling.

"I was looking for you" he said back.

"For what?"

"I wanted to see if you were ok"

"Well as you can see I'm fine so you can go back inside now and leave me alone here" I said glaring at him.

"No, I'm not leaving you here by yourself" he retorted back glaring at me too.

"Leave me alone! I don't need you or anybody else, I'm perfectly fine!" I screamed at him.

He started walking closer to me and I didn't know what to do. So I just sat there frozen like a statue. He was so close that I could smell his peppermint breath and his cologne, which is so intoxicating right now...Wait what?!?! Back to reality Casey!!

"W-what are y-you doing?" I stuttered.

"Just be quiet Casey" He whispered in my ears, which made me shiver and kneeled in front of me. He then engulfed me in a hug. I tried to break free but he wouldn't want to let me go.

"Let me go Valentino!!" I yelled in his ear.

"I don't care what you say I'm not leaving you" He said back to me.

I couldn't hold it in any longer, I let all my feelings and emotions out. My heart was aching so bad. I was literally bawling my eyes out. Whimpers broke through my cries no matter how hard I tried to hold it in. Why was he comforting me!?

"Hey Casey ?" Valentino whispered to me.

"Yeah ?" I whispered back.

"Do you wanna get out of here ?"

"Where are we gonna go ?" I asked puzzled.

"It's a surprise" Valentino smiled lightly back to me which brought a small smile to my face that made Valentino grin.

"Ok then let's go" I whispered back.

He helped me off the ground and led me to a black and red ninja bike.

"Is this your bike ?" I asked with wonder.

"Yeah it is, I got it for my 16th birthday from my mom"

"Oh ok" I said with a bit of hesitation.

"Hey what's wrong Casey ? Are you scared of riding my bike ?" He asked me with a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Yeah a little" I mumbled.

"Well don't be, you're with me, so there's nothing to worry about" Valentino told me sincerely.

"Ok" I say nodding my head slowly.

Valentino helped me onto the bike and got on. I felt really awkward just sitting on the back of a guy I barely knew's bike. I didn't know what to hold onto, but before I could dwell on it some more Valentino grabbed my arms and wrapped it around his torso.

He started the bike and my heart started pounding. I've never ridden a bike before and I'm like literally shaking on the inside. When he took off it felt like my heart leaped out of my chest. I closed my eyes shut and held onto him tighter.

Ten minutes passed and my heart rate had slowed down so I decided to open my eyes. I opened them slowly and I couldn't help but let a smile slip through. The view was amazing. I never knew riding a bike could feel this good. All my worries drifted away and I finally felt relaxed.

We finally parked after what felt like hours. I had no idea where we were.

"Where are we ?" I asked looking really puzzled.

"Were not there yet, but were close, so hold on" Valentino told me taking my hand in his.

We were walking through a smaller version of the woods. It looked so peaceful in here. All you could hear were the whistling of birds and the rustling of leaves.We were now climbing up a hill to get to the spot, ot so Valentino called it. It was a little steep but Valentino made sure to hold onto me.

When we finally made it to the top I gasped. My eyes went wide and my lips parted just a little bit. What I'm looking at right now is absolutely breathtaking.

It was a rock type of hill that looked over the ocean and the horizon. It was a 2 hr drive, so by the time we made it there, the sun was already setting.

"H-how did you find this place ?" I asked breathless.

"Found it while I was a freshman, this is the place I come to cool down a bit when I'm mad and shit like that. I never brought or told anyone about this place. It's really special to me" Valentino said to me with a small smile.

"Then why did you show me this place ?" I asked looking really confused.

"Because you're special to me too Casey" He said looking into my eyes.

I was lost at words. He always seems to surprise me every time. If a stranger was to look at Valentino right now, they would think of him as a jock who plays girls and doesn't give two shits about anyone but himself. But what I see is a boy with a soft heart with a bad past. He puts up walls to keep people out, but I'm determined to find out the truth about the Bad Boy!

As we sat there in silence I couldn't help but relax and enjoy this moment.


After the sun went down Valentino decided it was time to take me home. I was fine with that because I had a really long day and I just wanted to jump in my bed and forget about everything I saw, but I know that won't happen. At least I'll get a couple of hours though.

When I got home all three of my brothers were standing in the living room pacing around looking worried. When they heard me come in they all stopped and ran towards me. They engulfed me in big hugs crushing me and blocking my air circulation.

"O-O-Kay guys I-I can't breath" I wheezed out.

When they let me go, I thought my ears were gonna explode. All three of them were yelling and screaming at the same time.

"Where the fuck have you been Casey Lynn Monroe!!" my oldest brother Chad yelled at me.

" I-"

"I looked everywhere for you Casey and I couldn't find you anywhere!" Cole yelled at me before I could finish my sentence.


"You had us sick and worried about you, do you-"

"Could you guys shut the fuck up and let me finish my god damn fucking sentence!" I yelled at all three of them before Chace could finish what he was saying.

"As I was trying to fucking say before you dumbfucks interrupted me, I skipped school with a friend" I said frustrated.

"What friend were you skipping with ? All of your friends were at school helping me find you!" Cole yelled at me once again.

"Well you don't know him because he's new" I said with a sigh.

" What do you mean he's new?" Cole asked.

"I really don't wanna deal with all of this right now, so if you'll all excuse me I'm gonna go to bed". I said walking away.

"Alright, but we are going to finish this conversation later missy!" Chad yelled back.

I was so exhausted from today, that when I got in my room I didn't bother to change because I was already half asleep. I wish today never happened...

A/N : Hey guys I'm still alive!! Lol sorry for the really really long update. I just didn't know how to start it until I asked one of my close friends for advice and she helped me out. So yeah, long story short you should thank her for getting me to write this chapter!! Her username is msftsjolene_ you should check out her Book it's almost completed it's called Steal My Heart so if your a huge baseball fan you should check it out!! Thanks lovelies!!


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