New Look

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Casey's POV

I was so hurt and disappointed by what Valentino had implied that I went upstairs and decided to skip school today. I don't know if it was because he was the one who said it or because I've never heard anyone say that about me, but whichever it was, hurt like hell.

I got in my room and crawled into bed. In just two day my life has been turned upside down. I don't think I can keep my promise at finding out the truth about the bad boy. What he said really surprised me and I never thought he would say something like that.

My thoughts slowly made me sleepy. Before I knew it, I was already drifting to sleep....


When I woke up, I felt refreshed and cheery. I had made a decision that would make a big impact, and I was going to start now.

So I got up from my bed and hopped into the shower. When I was done I changed into a pair of black tight skinny jeans, a whit crop top that stopped just above my belly button that read 'Love Yourself' in ted bold letters and paired it with white wedges. I did my makeup smokey and curled my hair to perfection. When I looked into the mirror, I was pleased with my outcome, I grabbed my white leather jacket that was studded. Then I grabbed my purse, keys, and phone and went downstairs.

No one was home, so I assumed everyone was still in school. I went into the kitchen and I found a note hanging on the fridge.


We couldn't skip school with you today, so we'll make it up when we get back. If you get hungry or anything we left you some money in the bottom drawer. Please don't leave the house until we get back.

- Love, The Three Musketeers...

Well, I guess your going to be disappointed when you get back then. I thought as I stepped into the garage. I unlocked the doors to my 1964 Mercury Cougar and got in. The mall seemed like a great place to start my decision.

I bolted out of my garage and sped down my long drive way. When I got to the mall it wasn't too empty and it wasn't too packed due to the fact that people were obviously still in school. The first place I thought of going to was the food court. I may be skinny but it doesn't mean I don't like to eat.

Sweet Delight was the name of my favorite ice cream shop and I was jumping up and down inside because I haven't been here in like two weeks. I ordered my usual Cookie Monster Crumble and started walking around. I made my way into Forever 21 just as I finished my ice cream and threw it away.

This was one of my favorite places to shop at, and when I say shop, I pretty much buy half the store. This is what I do to take out my stress, but right now I'm shopping for an emergency.

I made my way around grabbing a lot of black and white clothing, I even grabbed about 10 new pairs of shoes. What ? I can't help it! It's like I hear them crying to me to buy them and I can't just ignore it you know ? Anyways, when I was done, my cart was full to the brim and people were staring at me like I had a second head.

I payed for my stuff and walked out. My makeup was sure to be gone by tomorrow, so I headed to Cosmetics World. They had about every makeup you could think of and even makeup remover.

I grabbed the essential amount I needed, payed, and left. When I was walking out I accidentally bumped into something hard.

When I looked up my heart stopped and I felt like tears were about to spill. I bumped into the one person that I was trying to forget and I hoped he would just leave, but I guess god had other plans because the devil himself spoke.

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