Blown Away

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Valentino's POV

I couldn't believe Casey was actually kissing me. In front of her brothers! I felt as if I was on cloud 9 by just the touch and taste of her pouty lips. She's an amazing kisser too. I could ki--

"What the fuck are you two doing?!?!" Chace screeched.

If looks could kill I would probably be 6 feet under right now. He was fuming, no it wasn't just him. All three of Casey's brothers were glaring at me with pure hatred. I don't know what there problem was anyways, I mean she's the one that attacked me first!

"Dude if you didn't notice yet, but your sister was the one who kissed me first!" I said as my temper was starting to flair.

"But that doesn't give you the right to kiss her back!!" Chad yelled at me this time.

"Oh so that's how it is right?" I said shaking my head and laughing a little.

My anger was taking over and when that happens I tend to say and do stupid things. Casey's brothers all looked confused but I didn't let them talk. I wanted to give them a piece of my mind.

"You guys think your sister is always innocent right! Well let me tell you something , she fucken isn't!! Maybe that's why her dumb ass ex boyfriend cheated on her! I mean she's the most popular girl in school, how else is she going to get a reputation?!?!" I screamed.

I was so angry, because every time something bad happens people put the blame on me like it was my fault! Just because I look and act like a bad boy doesn't mean I truly am. This is one of the reasons why I put walls up so I don't get fucked over. So people won't have the chance to hurt me anymore.

When I was done with my rant in my head I realized what I just said. My eyes went wide and my lips parted. I looked at Casey's brothers and they all looked shocked but they mostly looked disgusted at the sight of me.

I was scared to look at Casey but curiosity got the better of me. When I looked at Casey I think I wanted to crawl under my bed and hide. The look she gave me wasn't of anger or disgust but of hurt and disappointment. Which is far worst than any other look she could've gave me.

"Casey I'm--"

I didn't get the chance to finish what I was saying because the next thing I knew my left eye was throbbing and my nose was bleeding. I looked up to see Cole with blood shot eyes, jaw clenched, and blood dripping down from his right hand.

I couldn't open my eye anymore and my blood was dripping and staining their carpet. I didn't care though, I deserved that hit he gave me. I couldn't believe I just implied that Casey was a slut! I didn't exactly say it but I minus well have.

Casey looked even more defeated and broken now. It's funny because she just got hurt in two days by two evil brothers. I mean not real brothers but step brothers you know. It still counts though, and I was the one saying Trent was the bad guy and he didn't deserve her.

"Get the fuck out of my house before I fucken kill you!" Cole spat in my face.

I took one last look at Casey to see if she was going to say anything but she just stood there and shook her head. Telling me silently to just go. So I did as she asked and turned around then walked out the door feeling this empty feeling inside. Where the hell is this coming from? I thought shaking my head.

When I got on my bike I slammed my helmet on my head, revved the gas, and sped off. I was so pissed with myself I wasn't thinking straight.  I wonder if she'll ever forgive me. I mean it wasn't that bad was it ?

Who am I kidding it was that bad! I wish I can just take back everything I said about her. The more I thought about how I hurt Casey the more I went faster. I didn't notice the red light and I ran it which led to a siren blaring at me to pull over. Fuck me in the ass, can this day get even worst!

" Can I see your license and registration please" the officer asked.

I took off my helmet and reached into my pocket and grabbed my license. When I gave the officer  my license, I opened the little compartment under the seat and grabbed my registration.

"Do you know why I pulled you over son ?" he asked.

"I was speeding and I ran a red light ?" I said sheepishly.

"Yes you did, but since no one got hurt and this is your first offense I'm going to let you off the hook alright ?" the officer said to me handing me back my stuff.

"Uhh ok thanks officer Patricio ?" I said back looking at his badge.

"Your welcome son, now I don't want to see any of these stuffs happening again ok ?" he said with a stern look.

"Of course" I said giving him a small smile.

When the cop drove off I sat on my bike just thinking about what just happened. I'm such a complete idiot I swear. Or more like a major dick. Yeah a dick is a right term for how I reacted today.

One thing for sure is that I'm going to try and become friends with Casey again. I wanna be near her, I wanna see her beautiful smile, hear her beautiful laugh, and most of all I wanna stare into her beautiful grey eyes.

She does things to me that I've never felt before. She makes me feel whole somehow and when I'm not around her I feel empty. Why? I have no fucking clue. I thought putting my helmet on and taking off.

A/N: Oh how I love Valentino's POV!!!😍😍😍 Anyways hope you guys enjoyed it!! Thanks Lovelies!!


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