True Colors

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So the day went by quicker than I thought and the next thing I knew I was already in my 4th period class. Lunch was after this and I couldn't wait to hear how everyone's day has been.

So far all my classes were alright except my math class because well to be blunt I suck really bad with all those letters and shapes they add with numbers. I mean come on I don't get why there has to be all those other shit I was pretty good at math until I saw the alphabet in it. From that day on I dropped.

The lunch bell snapped me out of my thoughts and I started to collect all my things. When I got outside Trent was already waiting by the door for me.

"Hey babe how was class?" Trent asked with a smile.

"Eh, it was alright I guess, just glad I didn't fall asleep" I say back to him with a chuckle.

"Well ok then if you say so" he says as he lowers himself down to give me a small kiss on my lips.

When we arrive at the cafeteria it was already really crowded. As I looked over at our table the whole gang was there. They were all talking and laughing with each other. It made me remember just how much I missed all my friends over the summer.

"Case what do you want?" Trent asks as we get to the front of the lunch line.

"Umm, I'll just have a pizza and water" I reply back with a sheepish grin.

You see a lot of people like to stereotype cheerleaders on how they eat and stuff like that but honestly I'm really not like that. I eat whatever I wanna eat and then I burn it off during practice and during my morning jogs. So yeah, I don't really have to worry about gaining weight.

After Trent was done paying for our food we got to our table and sat down side by side.

"Here's your food Case"

"Thanks Trent"

"Hey Casey did you know were having an assembly after lunch?" Chelsea asks

"No I didn't, why do we?" I asked back.

"Yeah they announced it during 4th"

"Oh I guess I didn't hear it" I say with a shrug.

I guess I was too busy with my thoughts that I didn't hear the announcements. Figures, I'm always spacing out.

"So how was everyone's classes so far?" I ask as I eat my pizza.

I got a various of 'alrights' and 'could be betters' from everyone on the table.

Huh I guess nothing exciting has happened yet. Shouldn't take long for a scandal to happen. I'm pretty positive by the end of the day we'll all have something scandalous to talk about. I mean this is high school right? What's a high school without drama?

So lunch flew by with me talking to the girls about our summer vacation and the next thing I knew I was being ushered into the schools gymnasium.

I sat with Taylor on my right and Trent on my left. I wonder what were here for?

"So Case wanna come over my house for dinner" Trent asks.

"Hmm I don't know, you never mentioned you had a new step mom and step brother" I retort back

Honestly I was still a little mad that Trent didn't tell me about them. I mean, didn't I have a right to know? I would have told him if it was me. But before he could answer principal Turners stepped up to the podium.

"Welcome back students and welcome to your new school freshmans!" Turners all but yelled into the mic.

"Well I know your all wondering as to why I brought you here so to answer your question is I just thought I would give a welcoming speech for this school year and then show a short video about clubs and other stuff that you would like to join and think about.

Anyways I hope this school year go's by smoothly and that we will have no drama whatsoever and try to make this year the best. I know you seniors are excited about your last year but try to keep it to a minimum okay? Well I guess that's all so the video will be up shortly." Turners says as he steps down to go to the back.

After a minute or two the video starts and all I hear is echoes of gasps. Apparently it wasn't an educational video. No it was quite the opposite actually. The video is a girl and a guy making out in a bedroom but you can't really see them because it's blury. But when I do see who it is my eyes widened and my lips part from loss of words.

I'm shaking really bad now and my lips are trembling. Why you ask of my reaction to it ? Three words. Trent fucken Hayes! Yes Trent my boyfriend of a year and a half was making out in his room with the school slut Talia Hennings.

I looked to my left at Trent and he looks as shocked as I am. I guess he felt my gaze too because he turns slowly facing me. Emotions fill across his face but the ones that stand out the most was guilt and embarassment.

He was about to say something but I didn't want to hear any of it so I bolted from my seat just as I see Cole unplug the projector they were using for the video. Tears were already leaking and all I hear was screams of people calling me but I didn't care I didn't want to listen to anyone. I just wanted to get away.

I ran out the back doors of the school and ran across the football field. As I reached the middle my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. I'm sobbing really bad now and I seem to ask the same thing over and over again.


A/N: Hey guys sorry for the really long update again summers been really busy for me. But anyways how do you fell about this chapter? Didn't expect that to happen huh? *Wiggles eyebrows* hope you liked it!


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