Chapter 1

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Word Count- 1339

The greenleaf sun was high in the air warming all of MoonClan territory. Shadowkit made quick glances at the cats that were out in the center of camp enjoying the warm rays the sun offered, warriors spent time sharing tongues, Skypaw and Stonepaw wrestled with each other, elders shared gossip, the medicine cats sorted herbs, and in front of the nursery, she and the other kits talked excitedly. "I can't believe we're becoming apprentices! We've been trapped in the nursery for as long as MoonClan's been here in the forest." Shadowkit squealed to her two den mates, her sister, Nightkit and Maplestripe's kit, Dashkit. "Who do you want you're mentor to be?" Dashkit asked the two sisters curiously. "I don't care really." Nightkit responded quietly. "How can you not care!? I want Quietrain as my mentor, she so cool she caught a raven yesterday, didn't you see her come into camp with it, it was huge!" Dashkit exclaimed. "Nightkit is right, Dashkit, it doesn't matter who your mentor is, you must respect them whoever they may be, it's Phantomstar's choice, she'll make it wisely." Shadowkit turned her head to see Cloudpelt, one of the senior warriors, beginning to groom himself in front of the three. "It would still be nice to have Quietrain as my mentor." Dashkit grumbled. Cloudpelt's whiskers twitched with amusement at his comment. "Cheer up you're starting to sound like Boulderfur." He replied between strokes of his tongue. "Boulderfur's not that bad." Shadowkit purred back to the fluffy warrior. "Listen kits, all I'm saying is that you just need to get along with your mentor, it doesn't matter if they've caught ravens or if they can only catch mice." Cloudpelt finished his grooming and stood walking to his mate.

A short moment of silence passed between the three, making their forest home grow louder, the only sounds Shadowkit could pick out were the murmurs of the other cats in camp and the sound of the green-leaf insects coming out to play. Shadowkit felt herself relax like she had been expecting something to happen, holding her breath for that event to happen. Her relaxation was cut short when a sudden weight pushed her to the hard dirt. "I got you." Dashkit meowed, getting off Shadowkit and bounding behind Nightkit for cover."You shouldn't have done that Dashkit." Shadowkit squealed pouncing after her den mate.
As the sun set and the first signs of night began to show, Shadowkit, Nightkit and Dashkit had been asked to sit before high boulder and wait. Shadowkit glanced beside her and saw Dashkit pacing in small circles and Nightkit neatly grooming herself. Shadowkit watched her leader's every move as she stalked up Highboulder. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather underneath Highboulder for a Clan meeting." Phantomstar yowled the ancient words. Cats began to fill the clearing surrounding the kits with their eyes gleaming with excitement. "Dashkit and Nightkit, please step forward to take the next step from kit to apprentice." Phantomstar called down from Highboulder, her eyes a pale blue from the moon. Nightkit stepped forward calmly as Dashkit bounded his way beside her, his paws fidgeting in excitement. "Dashkit and Nightkit, you have both reached the age of six moons, and it's time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on until you've received your warrior name, you shall both be known as Dashpaw and Nightpaw. Dashpaw your mentor shall be Brightsong, I hope she will pass down everything she knows down to you. Brightsong please, step forward." Dashpaw's eyes were wide with excitement and his fur was fluffed out with pride. Brightsong stepped forward and stopped beside her new apprentice. "Brightsong," Phantomstar continued. "You are ready to take on an apprentice, You received wonderful training from your mentor, and what you learned from her I expect you to pass to Dashpaw." Brightsong dipped her head and touched her nose to Dashpaw's. The crowd yowled their congratulations to the new mentor and apprentice, chanting Dashpaw's new name. Phantomstar's tail lashed, ordering silence from the gathered cats, and when the chanting finished, she continued. "Ashtail, you are ready to take on an apprentice, you've received excellent training from your former mentor, so I expect you to pass down everything you learned on to Nightpaw." Phantomstar announced as her eyes sparkled with pride. Shadowkit noticed Nightpaw's pelt prickle as Ashtail bent forward and touched noses with her, making Shadowkit purr in amusement at her uncomfortable state. Shadowkit glanced back up at Highboulder seeing Willowstripe standing next to Phantomstar. "Cats of MoonClan, as you know myself and Boulderfur will not be around forever. With that, I wish to train an apprentice, one that has shown a great passion of the ways we follow, MoonClan, your next medicine cat shall be, Shadowpaw." Willowstripe yowled as she climbed down from high boulder. "Shadowpaw, do you accept the post of the apprentice of Willowstripe?" Phantomstar asked, her blue eyes gleaming. "I accept." Shadowpaw called up to her leader. "Then tonight we shall travel to Starfalls, so you may be accepted by our warrior ancestors." Willowstripe said stepping in front of Shadowpaw. "Good wishes from every cat will go with you." Phantomstar said dipping her head as she hopped off Highboulder. Shadowpaw touched noses with Willowstripe as the gathered cats yowled out the new apprentices names.

Shadowpaw jumped excitedly up to her sister, a purr erupting from her. "Are you happy with your mentor Dashpaw?" She asked. Dashpaw lifted his head proudly. "As Cloudpelt said we just need to enjoy and respect our mentors, so I'm excited to be training with Brightsong, and I'm sure Nightpaw feels the same way, right Nightpaw?" Dashpaw turned to Nightpaw with his brown eyes glinting with pride. Nightpaw dipped her head but didn't say a word. "Dashpaw, Nightpaw tomorrow you will begin training a sunrise, so I suggest you get some sleep." Shadowpaw turned to see Ashtail glancing at the two apprentices. Both of them dipped their heads respectfully and looked at Shadowpaw. "Best wishes go with you on your journey tonight." Nightpaw whispered to Shadowpaw before she padded off to the apprentices' den with Skypaw and Stonepaw leading them in. Shadowpaw stood and walked towards the medicine cats den where Willowstripe waited patiently. "Are you ready to leave?" She asked calmly. Shadowpaw dipped her head, and Willowstripe stood. "Boulderfur," she called. "We are ready to leave." Boulderfur appeared from the shadows of the den and trotted straight pass the two, through the entrance of camp. "Don't mind him, he's very kind when you get to know him." Willowstripe reassured Shadowpaw as they followed behind him to Starfalls.

Shadowpaw stared in awe at the rushing waterfall, mist tickling her whiskers as she sat near the pool beneath the waterfall. Willowstripe sat beside her and stared into the water. "Shadowpaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?" She asked her eyes remained gazing into the moonlit pool. "Yes, of course it is." Shadowpaw responded solemnly. Willowstripe dipped her head. "Our dearest ancestors, I present you with Shadowpaw. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal our Clan in accordance with your will." Willowstripe calmly said shifting her green gaze to the moon and stars above. "Now, we touch our nose to the pool and we'll sleep, StarClan will meet us tonight." Boulderfur said from behind Shadowpaw. She heard his paw steps move around her and she saw both him and Willowstripe crouch near the water. Shadowpaw crept silently around beside Willowstripe and followed their example. Willowstripe dipped her head and her green eyes closed as her pink nose touched the water. Shadowpaw closed her amber eyes and dipped her head, feeling the cold water on her nose she peacefully drifted to sleep. 

-A Note from Midnight-

I hope you enjoyed I'll try to get the next chapter out soon.

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