Chapter 10

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Word Count- 1338
Shadowpaw's eyes opened to the loud cries of the mockingbirds. She yawned and stretched in her nest before looking over to the nest Nightpaw was staying on while she recovered. Shadowpaw felt her heart jump when her sister was no where to be seen. Shadowpaw pounced out of the den, her fur prickling with panic. Her worried faded to annoyance however when she saw Nightpaw sitting with Scorchstripe.

Shadowpaw marched over to her sister and cuffed her ear. "What was that for?" Nightpaw hissed quietly. Shadowpaw forced a fake snarl on her face. Be intimidating. She thought, though she felt a purr trying to push its way up her throat. "You should be in your nest resting!" Scorchstripe made a raspy sort of purr, curling his thin tail around himself. "Nightpaw was only asking how I felt about this whole situation. She also asked about Ashclaw in his warrior days." Nightpaw nodded to the orange tabby. Shadowpaw felt her fur prickle uneasily as she thought of her father, if that's what she should call him. She had been raised with Stormheart as a father figure, the whole situation made her head spin. "So, how do you feel about this?" Shadowpaw asked slowly. The elders eyes clouded for a moment, making him look even more worn out than before. "I think a greencough plague would be better than this. I don't trust that cat at all." Scorchstripe said as he stood to leave. Nightpaw began to stand as well, more than likely to escort him back to his den, but at the flick of his tail she sat down and watched him limp off.

Shadowpaw nudged her sister lightly back to the medicine den. "Come on, I'm checking your wounds!" Shadowpaw could feel her sister's eye roll, even though she could see it. "You may like being in there all day, but I don't!" Shadowpaw shoved her sister a bit harder. "Fine, after this checkup, you can do small tasks, maybe help Skypaw and Stonepaw finish the nursery." Shadowpaw suggested with a purr. "Fine, just stop pushing me and get this over with quickly."

After Nightpaw left, Willowstripe was awake and ready to continue training. "We're running low on feverfew, do you remember where they normally grow?" Willowstripe asked kindly. Shadowpaw nodded. "They grow by the stream." Willowstripe purred and she flicked her tail for Shadowpaw to follow. The sun made the sandy clearing hot and Shadowpaw silently wondered why warriors would want to be out in the heat all day hunting and fighting. The medicine cats were about to slip out of the bramble tunnel before Stormheart called out from the prey pile. "You shouldn't be wondering the forest alone you know!" Shadowpaw heard her mentor sigh deeply before turning to face the deputy. "We're only going to the stream to fetch some feverfew, we'll be back in a heartbeat." Willowstripe's voice was a kind sounding as usual, but there was a faint edge that hinted at her annoyance. "I'll have to send you with warrior, a can't risk anything, especially our medicine cats." Stormheart insisted, he flicked his tail to gesture a group of warriors over consisting of Bluemist, Graystripe, Maplestripe and Leafshade. "You four, accompany Willowstripe and Shadowpaw to the stream and help them collect herbs. This should be a fairly quick task." Willowstripe rolled her eyes and spun around, marching out of camp and Shadowpaw slipped silently after her.

"Wait! Stormheart assigned us to protect you, don't go running off without us!" Leafshade hissed and the other three warriors nodded in agreement. "We don't need you, your here so I'm not thrown out of the Clan for ignoring the deputy." Shadowpaw highly doubted Phantomstar would ever dream of kicking Willowstripe out of the Clan. The two had a strong bond, and apparently had had one since they earned their warrior names. "If this is such an easy task, then let's just get it over with then. Better than sitting here complaining right?" Bluemist meowed cheerfully while bounding ahead with her ears pricked. Maplestripe trotted gracefully to Shadowpaw's right, Leafshade grumbled and stayed to Willowstripe's left and Graystripe took the rear. Shadowpaw felt this was unnecessary, but she also felt grateful for the extra protection.

The stream sparkled in the bright sun making Shadowpaw's eyes wide with kit-like wonder. Willowstripe purred at her expression before she started scanning the banks for feverfew. After a while, Willowstripe leaped over the stream with ease and padded up to a small bush littered with flowers. Shadowpaw followed behind her mentor with Bluemist and Graystripe behind her while Maplestripe and Leafshade stayed on the opposite side. Shadowpaw began to gather the herb with Willowstripe quickly as the warriors waited in silence.

Shadowpaw jumped when Leafshade and Maplestripe hurdled into the overgrown grass with loud screeches with fury. They soon dragged out a blue-gray she-cat with a light gray chest and dark paws out with them. "Who are you?" Graystripe hissed as he leaped over to join his fellow warriors. The she-cat lashed her tail and easily knocked away the MoonClan warriors. "I would appreciate it if you'd be less violent. I only came for that herb." She spat, pointing her tail to the feverfew bush. "You know about herbs?" Willowstripe pushed past the bristling warriors to stand in front of the mysterious loner. "Yes, in fact, I am BoneClan's sole medicine cat. So I expect a little respect." She huffed. "I'm Rainwhisker, pleasure to meet you." She added more formally. Shadowpaw didn't feel like she should be worried about the strange she-cat, but she was still with "BoneClan" and Shadowpaw was very sure she didn't feel safe in the forest with them around. "I'm Willowstripe, and this is my apprentice Shadowpaw." Willowstripe said calmly with the slight flick of her tail towards Shadowpaw. "Even if you are mutual between our Clans, it's best you stayed on your border. If you like, I know where to find more feverfew quiet a way from our territory." She offered. Shadowpaw heard Leafshade snort with disbelief, though the warrior held his tongue. "I will be sure to find some on the hostile-free side of the forest then." Rainwhisker said as she turned and began to stalk back into the thick grass. And just like that, she was gone.

The camp was filled with uneasy murmurs after the report of their encounter with Rainwhisker was announced. Shadowpaw couldn't help but think that Rainwhisker was truly a kind cat, and that she was just a potential insight to BoneClan rather than a threat. But Boulderfur thought differently. He saw it as a bad omen that a rogue "held" such a sacred title as a medicine cat. Right now, they were checking on Nightpaw's wounds for the last time before she was allowed to return to get normal nest and duties. "Did you finish the nursery?" Willowstripe asked as she sorted through a third of the herbs in their storage. "Almost, Hawkeye and Ravenpelt can move back in, we're just finishing the extra twining." That was the most many cats would ever hear Nightpaw say at a time. Shadowpaw heard a bit more than others but her sister still didn't talk as much as a normal cat. "Did you make new moss beds for them?" Boulderfur asked as he sniffed at one of her wounds. "Dashpaw made them after he finished training." Boulderfur stepped back with a nod. "Alright, you can go back to your regular duties tomorrow." Nightpaw looked relieved deeply by the news. Of course, she's a warrior. Warriors don't sit in a stuffy den all day. Nightpaw dipped her head to the older medicine cats and then gently nuzzled Shadowpaw, the gesture sent a warm comforting feeling throughout Shadowpaw's body. "Take care." Was all she said, but it meant a lot to Shadowpaw knowing that her sister would be there to help. As long as they were together, through rain or shine, Shadowpaw would always feel safe.

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