Chapter 8

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Nightpaw watched in silence as Stormheart climbed swiftly into High boulder, his muscle rippling under his pelt as the camp stirred with uneasy glances. Phantomstar hopped up beside him and Nightpaw felt her stomach lurch at the sight of her. She forced the feeling down as she remembered Shadowpaw's words and stalked under the large rock with the rest of the patrol. "On our mission to the meadow our medicine cats saw in their dreams, we found Ashclaw and his rogues. Though we didn't see an exact amount, it is clear MoonClan will face a challenge in taking care of these vermin. We will send frequent patrols to that side of the border in large parties. No cat shall leave alone, and if the medicine cats need to fetch herbs they will be given escort guards to watch over them." As the large black tom finished murmurs of protest fluttered through the crowd. Nightpaw caught herself looking to her mentor for guidance, but Ashtail's eyes were just a clouded as her own. "We're overreacting! Ashclaw and his rogues hold no threat to our Clan, if they dare step a paw out of line we can shred them!" The brash voice of Graystripe called out. Yowls of agreement soon turned to hisses of fury as the clearing was split, one side wanting to go and chase out the rogues before they cause harm and the other side knowing the dangers of attacking blindly. "Graystripe, I understand you know the consequences of acting this recklessly. If your so prominent in driving out these rogues, you can be on every patrol to their territory in the next moon, as well as sit guard duty at the entrance." Phantomstar spat from her looming perch on High boulder. Graystripe only lashed his tail angrily but said no more to protest. "It is settled, we only attack when they do, it's no use fighting battles we don't need to. Stormheart, please send out the evening hunting and border patrol." She instructed lastly before hopping down from the large stones.

Nightpaw padded briskly behind her mentor and Graystripe. The two toms were eyeing each other warily and had been since they left camp. "Pretty brave of you to stand up to our leader and deputy." Ashtail mewed dryly as they neared a clearing, golden from the setting sun. "I still think she's overreacting, what harm could a few rogues do?" Graystripe's eyes glittered with annoyance and Nightpaw slowly edged off from the two to begin hunting in silence. "I am only saying your brother is one of those rogues, to me that makes me believe you see something we don't." Ashtail challenged. A loud hiss made Nightpaw spin around as Graystripe launched himself at Ashtail. Both were flurries of brown and gray and each swift motion Nightpaw took in. The toms jumped back ready to spring again before Nightpaw stood between both of them. "You are warriors, behave like them! We were sent to hunt, not quarrel like kits!" She spat as she glanced between the two daringly. Graystripe kept his glare on Ashtail, neither tom moved. "Ow!" A voice yowled. The three spun around to the ferns the yowl came from and Nightpaw could faintly see bits of brown, black and red fur. A growl of annoyance came before the same russet tabby from the first rogue encounter burst from their hiding spot with prickling fur. "Thanks a lot, Mud!" He spat as a multi-shaded brown she-cat stepped beside him. "Let's get this over with, it shouldn't be difficult." A black tom with gray paws meowed grimly, preparing to pounce on one of the MoonClan cats. "Sure 'easy' you're in our territory kit," Graystripe said coolly before springing himself at the large russet tom.

In heartbeat, Nightpaw was pushed to the forest floor by Mud. The strong she-cat slashed at Nightpaw's eyes and clawed recklessly down her side. With a surge of pain, Nightpaw cried out and pushed the she-cat to the side, instantly flinging herself back into battle. Nightpaw managed to pin Mud underneath her and began to mimic her clawing. Mud purred and raked Nightpaw's soft belly with sharp claws and flung Nightpaw off of her with powerful leg strength. A flurry of brown flashed before Nightpaw as Ashtail attacked the she-cat with pure fury. Nightpaw turned to see Graystripe bravely battling both of the toms as the pinned him against a tree. Nightpaw charged and sprang onto the russet tabby's back. She sank her sharp teeth into the back of his neck and a screech in pain made him forget about Graystripe. The tom rolled over and crushed Nightpaw against the earth, knocking the breath out of her making her release her grip on his neck. He turned swiftly and trailed his claws through the already open wounds on her side. Graystripe's tabby pelt flung into the tom and they wildly clawed at one another. Nightpaw risked a glance over her shoulder and saw the other two had retreated and Ashtail panted heavily, trying to force his paws to his clanmates. Nightpaw was swept back to reality when the russet tabby sliced her ear. With a hiss in pain and anger, she pounced on the tom and slashed wildly. He finally wiggled free and ran for the bushes they'd come from. "This isn't over!" He growled before stalking off to find his companions. With the adrenalin from the battle gone Nightpaw finally felt the blood spilling from her wounds. "Let's get back to camp," Ashtail said softly as he padded to Nightpaw's side. She leaned against him for support as they padded back to camp.

Nightpaw's head pounded as the sound of Willowstripe's soft paws on the den floor sounded like large boulders colliding with one another. Her wounds still ached, but the gray tabby medicine cat gave her some poppy seeds that numbed it slightly. Phantomstar didn't leave Nightpaw's side since being allowed in, constantly fidgeting in place as Willowstripe coached Shadowpaw skillfully. Her sister shook violently as she began to follow her instructions. "If you keep shaking, you're going to mess up. Calm down." Willowstripe's voice processed as a yowl making Nightpaw wince. "I'm sorry," Shadowpaw whispered as she placed something over Nightpaw's wounds. "Shadowpaw, quick, what herb is best for bee stings?" Nightpaw forced the words out of her mouth, trying not to grit her teeth in pain. "What?" Phantomstar mewed quietly, but Shadowpaw didn't answer her and instead, her paws steadied. "Blueberry leaves. What's do you do if a fox in near the border?" Her sister fired back. The game ended when Shadowpaw finished placing the herb on Nightpaw's wounds. "Interesting, I'll keep that in mind during the rest of your training." Willowstripe purred. Phantomstar dipped down to gently lick her daughter's head. "I'm sorry this happened to you." She whispered making Nightpaw purr. Phantomstar was still her mother, no matter what was kept secret. "Dashpaw would like to see you," Boulderfur said from the den entrance. Willowstripe shooed out Nightpaw's mother and sister and allowed the black and white tom inside.

"Ashtail told me what happened, you were really brave," Dashpaw whispered much to Nightpaw's relief. "I'm sure Stonepaw would scamper away without a moment's notice." Nightpaw forced a purr, her pelt grew hot oddly. The heat began to rise until it was unbearable in the stuffy den. She tried to stand but her legs wobbled in protest. "I'll get Boulderfur!" Dashpaw's mew was hushed and muffled but she felt his presence leave her. Nightpaw felt saliva bubble at the corners of her mouth. The world dissolved under her paws as she sank into a world of darkness.
I am finally getting art of my lovely beans! This will need heavy editing but whatever for now.

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