Chapter 9

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Word count 1,362
Dashpaw watched intently from his perch on a thick oak branch as Stonepaw stalked his sister quietly from below. Leafshade had announced their first assessment would be sometime after sunhigh and the two siblings were quickly asking Dashpaw to watch them practice. Skypaw was completely oblivious to her brother's close range and Stonepaw took a risky glance up to Dashpaw, who gave him an approving nod. Stonepaw sprang onto Skypaw's back with a triumphant yowl. The white tabby hissed in shock and spun around to whack her brother on the nose with a harmless paw. Dashpaw forced an amused purr down as he watched the two. It must be nice having a sibling to play with. "Dashpaw!" Brightsong called, Dashpaw turned to see her waiting by the base of a pine tree and he scrambled down his tree and raced over to join her. "How were they?" Brightsong purred as Dashpaw stopped in front of her. "Great, they're going to be amazing hunters!" Brightsong looked greatly proud of her kits. "Good, but now Dashpaw I believe it's time I teach you battle moves." Dashpaw felt happiness prickle through his pads. Brightsong purred faintly at his expression before she padded gracefully around Dashpaw, watching him wirly. 

Dashpaw's heart thumped loudly in his chest as he tried to keep his muscles relaxed to throw his mentor off. The white tabby warrior launched herself at him, his trick worked and he dodged her easily. "You're called Dashpaw for a reason, huh?" Brightsong purred with amusement before springing at Dashpaw again, this time catching him off guard. Dashpaw was pinned to the ground by his mentor, a smug expression etching its way onto her face. Dashpaw kicked her off and sprang to his feet. Brightsong tried to swat at him, but Dashpaw leaped into the air and twisted to land behind the warrior. I'd like to see Nightpaw do that! Dashpaw boasted in his head, though he knew the she-cat had more in her brain then many cats realize. Dashpaw leaped onto his mentor's back and held onto her shoulders. Brightsong rolled over to pin Dashpaw back down onto the dry forest floor, knocking the breath out of him.

"Alright," she said as she got off of him. "You're swift and agile, learn the moves and practice I'm sure no rogue would think to challenge you." She praised. Dashpaw couldn't help the purr in his throat and the pure pride that rose in his body. I'll be the best their ever was, I'll make Maplestripe proud. No more nose whacks from mother's claws!

Training continued until Adderfang found them and brought news of Skypaw completely destroying the thankfully empty nursery. "Hawkeye has already scolded them but she insisted I found you." Adderfang had said. Brightsong had asked the warrior to stay with Dashpaw and hunt a bit before returning to came before she ran off with an irritated twitch of her tail. Now the Dashpaw padded quietly beside the young warrior holding a thrush in his jaws while Adderfang carried two mice by their tails. When they arrived at camp Dashpaw saw the caved in nursery. Skypaw and Stonepaw were making a pile of the sticks and leaves that weren't salvageable. Dashpaw placed his thrush down and took another glance at the frantic apprentices. "Sometimes I think they're hopeless." Adderfang huffed, though it didn't seem agressive. Dashpaw only forced a purr and dipped his head respectfully to the gray tabby tom before he left to visit the medicine den.

Shadowpaw sat near the entrance of the den with Boulderfur who was testing her to identify herbs by scent rather than sight. "Hello Boulderfur, and Shadowpaw, can I go see Nightpaw?" Dashpaw said, respectful of Boulderfur's normally blatantly truthful nature. "Alright, just make it quick." The older tom grumbled as he moved herbs in a pile, telling Shadowpaw to pick out a certain kind without her sight. Dashpaw slipped past them and saw Nightpaw looking at him with her cool blue eyes. "Hello, how are you feeling?" Nightpaw narrowed her eyes but didn't speak for a moment. How could I be so stupid, she's miserable knowing I'm a step ahead of her in training. Dashpaw thought smugly. Nightpaw saw whatever expression he was pulling and quickly hit him with a harmless paw. "How dare you hurt MoonClan's best warrior!" He said as he dramatically threw his head back. A rare pleased expression broke her normally unreadable face. A yowl from the high boulder signalled meeting. "Come on, I'll help you walk." Nightpaw yet again hit him on his head as she stood up with ease. "If your so strong why are you still in here?" Nightpaw shrugged as she made her way out of the den. "Shadowpaw insisted I stay until my wounds were healed enough for me to move comfortably." Dashpaw could only imagine the argument the two must have had. Shadowpaw was such a good convincer anyway, but against Nightpaw's smarts, she must have just begged. Dashpaw concluded as he and his friend settled near the medicine den. "Cats of MoonClan, I bring wonderful news on behalf of MoonClan's best hunter, Ravenpelt, she has told me that she is expecting kits with her mate Graystripe." Phantomstar purred from the boulder. The Clan erupted in yowls of congratulations to the expecting queen and Hawkeye padded forward on heavy paws and touched her fellow queen on the head with her nose. Dashpaw felt a chill run through his body and when he turned his head to meet the stern gaze of his mother. Dashpaw immediately started cheering with the rest of the Clan until the chill faded away. After a while, when the cheers died down, Phantomstar continued. "Even though the promise of new life in the Clan, we still face the challenge of the rogues. I sent out a few warriors to follow Ashclaw's scent and they found he and his rogues now live in the meadow on the outskirts of our forest." The Clan stayed in a shocked silence as Bluemist leaped up beside her leader to address the Clan. "The sight wasn't a pleasant one, Ashclaw's rogues easily outnumber our Clan, everyone if them appeared strong and healthy. Not only that but, Ashclaw now reffers himself as Ashstar and his rogues as BoneClan." Dashpaw felt his fur prickle, as much as he wanted to say about the situation, he remembered Nightpaw who was sitting beside them. Is she torn between parents? Dashpaw didn't think so. Nightpaw had been clinging Phantomstar ever since birth, no mysterious father would let that change. Though, when he looked at her now, the dark gray tabby's eyes seemed to express her inner conflict. Dashpaw was brought back by a yowl of surprise and when he looked, Willowstripe's eyes were beginning to roll into her head. Phantomstar leaped down an joined the other cats who had began to try to calm the normally graceful tabby. Nightpaw began to sit up and Dashpaw had to force her back to sit on the sandy hollow. "It'll be okay, look how many cats are over there. It's best if we give cats who know they're doing, space to do it." Nightpaw's gazed flickered with conflict again before she nodded. Dashpaw nudged her gently and lead her to a small stream near camp.

As the sun cast it's last golden rays over the horizon, Dashpaw and Nightpaw had returned to camp. Nightpaw had been called away by her mother leaving Dashpaw to do what had been bubbling up since the announcement. He spotted Bluemist, Graystripe and Leafshade talking quietly by their den. Dashpaw rushed up to the three warriors and dipped his head in greeting. "Hello Dashpaw, is there something you need?" Bluemist asked kindly and Dashpaw nodded. "I need to know every little detail about what happened on your mission." Bluemist ears pricked in attention, while Leafshade rolled his eyes. "And why should we waste our time with you?" The grumpy russet tom grumbled. Dashpaw met his deep green gaze without fear of hesitation. "I know a cat who, with the right information, can destroy any so called "Clan" with her brain."
So sorry for the break, no true excuse but after this chapter I'm back in my normal mojo and I'm making a writing schedule for summer so these will be more frequently updated.

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