Chapter 7

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Word count- 1399


"Starfalls? It's not a half moon." Shadowpaw questioned as she trailed after the two medicine cats. Willowstripe's fluffy tail lashed as she was swept in the void of thought. "StarClan has made it clear they are unhappy about Ashclaw, they will speak with us no matter the phase of the moon." Boulderfur spat as he leaped neatly over a large fallen tree. Shadowpaw nodded, following close behind and before long the rushing waters of Starfalls came into earshot. The three skidded to a halt and gave each other knowing glances before slipping into complete silence as they neared the pool of reflected stars.

Shadowpaw crouched to the surface and waited for her companions to join her. Boulderfur grunted, lowering himself to peer over the ledge. Willowstripe's green eyes glinted with hesitation before giving a curt nod. Shadowpaw drew in a breath and touched her nose to the cool water, darkness consuming her vision.

Shadowpaw stood in an open meadow, the wind pushing the scents of heather and lavender with it. As she looked around, Shadowpaw noticed a thin blue-gray she-cat. Bluemist? Shadowpaw shook her head, this cat was a darker color than Bluemist. Her back was littered with gray speckles and a similar gray made a bold stripe around the middle of her tail. "Who are you?" Shadowpaw called cautiously, but the she-cat didn't acknowledge her at all, instead, she began to race forward after something Shadowpaw could not see. Without thinking, she ran after the mysterious cat and found herself in a dark den. The tight den had fluffy white wool lining each nest and in one of them, the she-cat lay blinking expectantly as Shadowpaw. In the back of the den, a thin stream flowed. When Shadowpaw crept to it, the sight made her thoughts spin. Bones lay at the bottom instead of the expected slimy mud. All of a sudden, the world went black. The earth fell from Shadowpaw and with a jolt, awoke to the sounds of Starfalls.

The air was thin as Shadowpaw tried to collect herself. A frustrated huff pulled her from her thoughts as Willowstripe sat up beside Shadowpaw. "Did you see anything?" She asked grimly. "A blue-gray she-cat in a meadow," Shadowpaw explained quickly. "I thought it was Bluemist at first but, she looked different. There was also a stream filled with bones." Willowstripe nodded and looked back at the still sleeping Boulderfur. "Well, maybe he'll have something as well. StarClan did not appreciate my hast, I suppose that's why did not visit me." Shadowpaw curled her tail around her paw and sighed deeply. After a while, Boulderfur finally stirred. Willowstripe rushed him with questions until getting her mouth covered by his thin tail. "If you'd let me speak, I could answer whatever comes out of that annoying mouth of yours." Willowstripe rolled her eyes and nodded, sitting neatly again near the older tom. "I saw a meadow, it looked completely normal except the smell of blood looming in the air. When I checked, bones were littered around everywhere. In the center, a gray she-cat stood over a heavily bleeding Phantomstar." Shadowpaw couldn't stop the gasp from leaving her mouth. Willowstripe comfortingly wrapped her tail around her apprentice and looked back to Boulderfur, proceeding to tell him of Shadowpaw's dream. "Let's go tell Phantomstar, the sooner we do, the faster we get to figuring this out." He said, beginning to trot away from the pool. Shadowpaw followed close behind, her mind hazy as the piercing eyes of the she-cat came back to mind. Willowstripe padded beside her, giving Shadowpaw a comforting glance. "We'll figure this out, I swear that by StarClan."

In short moments they made it back to camp. It was almost completely empty except for the familiar dark gray pelts of Shadowpaw's kin. Boulderfur started towards the two but Shadowpaw, without thinking, stopped him from proceeding. "What are you doing? We have to speak to her now." The tom growled, his patience wearing away with his age. With a gulp, Shadowpaw took a pace back and straightened to look him in the eyes. "Leave her be, at least for a moment. I'll send her over to speak with you, but I want to speak with her and Nightpaw." Boulderfur opened his mouth to protest before Willowstripe slapped her fluffy tail over it to prevent the rebuke. "Very well Shadowpaw. Make this quick." With a curt nod, she spun around and padded over to her kin who were almost completely hidden in the shadows. "Hello, Shadowpaw." Phantomstar greeted in her usual sweet tone. Shadowpaw ducked her head nuzzle into Phantomstar's chest like she did when they were still in the nursery. When she looked up she noticed Nightpaw's icy glare as she eyed their mother with uncertainty. "Uh, Phantomstar, Boulderfur, and Willowstripe wish to speak to you. StarClan spoke to us tonight." She said hastily, flicking her tail to the two waiting cats. Phantomstar nodded and looked to Nightpaw desperately, only to be met with a bored duck of her head. Phantomstar sighed and went to join the medicine cats. "What was that about?" Shadowpaw muttered to her bitter sister. Nightpaw curled her tail around her paws and heaved a breath. "We were talking about Ashclaw." Shadowpaw felt a small tug in her heart. Phantomstar's relationship with Ashclaw had stunned both of them greatly, but Shadowpaw knew she shouldn't be judged for her past decisions. "You need to let that go. She didn't need to tell us that he was our father. We were fine with Stormheart, even if he wasn't out true father, out of the both of us you should know no one could have done better raising us." Nightpaw's eyes flashed with sorrow and Shadowpaw could almost feel her confusion. "Who knows what else she could be hiding. What if we find out something that tears us apart?" She said quietly, curling her tail tightly around herself comfortingly. "Whatever happens next we'll get through it together," Shadowpaw said gleefully causing Nightpaw to purr quietly. "Cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Highboulder for a Clan meeting." Phantomstar's voice yowled across the clearing. Groggy mews of protest rose as the cats of MoonClan made their way underneath the leaders' perch. As soon as the news of Boulderfur and Shadowpaw's visions was announced, all signs of tiredness were gone and were replaced with anxious whispers. "I wish for my senior warriors to report to help make the patrol to find this meadow in Boulderfur's vision. The rest of you sleep well, patrols, both hunting, and border will be increased just in case Ashclaw tries anything while they're gone. Meeting dismissed." She said before jumping down to meet the senior warriors below.

As the rising sun rose above the forest Shadowpaw waited with the other apprentices for the meadow patrol announcement. Phantomstar's blue eyes sparkled with regret as she climbed the large stone to announce the chosen cats. "Cats of MoonClan, with the help of my warriors I have decided the cats to travel to the meadow StarClan show us. These cats have been chosen for their strength in stealth, speed, and combat. These cats are Bluemist, Stormheart, Ashtail, Nightpaw, and Cloudpelt. May StarClan light your path and may you return as healthy as you leave." She called, her eyes resting on each cat as she spoke. Words of good luck sounded beside Shadowpaw as they wished her sister well. "You'll be okay, right?" Shadowpaw mewed, staring desperately into her sister's blue eyes. Nightpaw only purred and gently nuzzled her sister before heading to join the other chosen cats. "Hey, Shadowpaw?" Skypaw meowed after they left. Shadowpaw hummed in response as she began to stand and stretch her legs. "Dawnbreeze hasn't been herself lately, understandably, but can you help me get her in lighter spirits?" She asked sweetly, her green eyes holding high hope. Shadowpaw nodded and began to look for the light brown warrior. Dawnbreeze was laying on a flat rock near the elders' den. "Let's do this!"

The camp entrance shook as five cats came flying into camp. The chosen cats stood below Highboulder while Stormheart jumped quickly up to the perch. Muttering comments filled the clearing before Stormheart raised his tail to silence them. "Cats of MoonClan, we believe we've found the meadow."

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