Chapter 23

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I ripped the note off of the fridge. 

The thought of them taking Emily really pissed me off. Like, I don't think they would really harm her because she's basically the key to finding out where her sister is. But I don't want Gillyan and her pack to remove the one person I love from my life. 

I'm always selfish when it comes to Emily. I know she has her own life and she can do what she wants, but I never want to share her, not with Jackson or Stiles, and especially not with Gillyan's pack; I don't trust them with her. 

I debated going through Derek's stuff since he isn't here, but knowing him, he'd probably beat my ass if he found out. He's pretty private- even with small things. One time, I asked where he was going and if I could tag along. He said it was private and that I didn't need to know. Me being my respectful self, let it go. 30 minutes later, he came home with McDonald's. Before I could say anything, he gave me one of those classic 'don't even ask' looks. 

I have nothing against him, really. Aside from that time when he threatened to bite my girlfriend. The dude gave me a place to sleep and shower. It's hard to hate him. 

Before getting in bed, I took off my jeans, shirt, and hoodie. Sleeping with clothes on isn't really my style.  

Silence filled the loft. I was so used to Derek's snoring, or him coming back home late at night. I liked being alone here though. 

Before sleeping, I always think about Emily. I heard that people can dream about the last thing they think of before falling asleep. I'm not sure if that's true, but thinking about her comforted me anyway. 

I thought about her smile and eyes. Her laugh and voice. I thought about when we are in class and she pretends that she doesn't know that I'm looking at her. I thought about her lips and how soft they are when I'm kissing them. 

I thought about when she undressed for me. I thought about her half naked body standing in front of me. I kept thinking about her until my mind couldn't take it. 

I looked down under the blankets. Great. 

Part of myself told me to go to sleep and clear my dirty mind. The other told me to keep thinking about her and look for the lotion and tissues in my nightstand. 

Emily's POV

"Emily! Get up! We have to get to school." 

I rolled over and rubbed my eyes. "Not going, Scott. Think of it as a mental health day. I have a lot on my mind."

"What are you talking about? We need to start making plans to find Avery." He told me. "In order to do that,  you need to be there. It's all about logic, Emily."

I got out of my bed to get the photos of my sister. "If you want to talk about reasonable thinking, Scott, why didn't you tell me about these?" I asked, pulling out the Christmas cards. "Thought you didn't know where she was." I said as I put the photos in his hand. 

He looked confused.

"Not going to say anything, huh?"

Scott looked up and handed the pictures back. "I've never seen these before. Even if I did, I would have said something when we saw Gillyan for the first time because that's her in the picture! Where did you get those?"

"Your mom gave them to me last night." I said, looking down at them. "I can't believe you've never seen these." I shook my head.

"Well it's not like I would have recognized Avery anyway. I mean, she's got this new look going on." Scott said, pointing at her in the photo. "I also wanna know how they took these."

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