chapter 4

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"Lydia, shut up!" Jackson growled.

For a moment, Lydia looked scared, then she returned to her bitchy self and gave me a dirty look. Great. I've been living here for a matter of days and I've already made enemies. The people here were so weird and frusterating. Ugh. I didn't even ask to move here. 

I walked away and went to look for Scott. He was talking to Allison again. She seemed pretty nice. I had a few classes with her. I'm not sure if she knew I was Scott's cousin. I walked over and saw Stiles waiting for Scott. 

"Hey! Emily!" He said, smiling at me.

"Hey, Stiles."

Scott and Allison walked over.

"Allison, this is my cousin, Emily. She just moved here."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Scott's friend." 

Scott looked away when she said the word 'friend.' I felt a little bad for him. He obviously liked her. A lot. They started talking again.

"They aren't dating?" I asked Stiles.

"Nope. They're on a break or something. Scott's still waiting for her."

"Waiting for her?"

"Yeah because Scott's a we-" He stopped talking. 

"He's a what?"

"Oh um, you know, he's human. Like me, you, Jackson, Isaac, yeah."

I gave him a weird look.

"Oh, um alright."

I overheard Scott and Allison's conversation a little.

"Does she know?" Allison whispered, glancing at me.

Scott shook his head.

Were they talking about me? What didn't I know? I really needed to talk to Scott about all this. There has to be some weird explanation for why everyone's acting so strange. I feel like everyone's in on  a secret here. And the only person who doesn't know, is me.

I sat down at the table with Stiles and Scott. 

"Hey, um can I talk to you guys?"

They looked at eachother.

"Yeah, sure what's up?"

"Ok, well, I know I just moved here and all, but the people here are really weird. Just saying."

"Why? Did you see or hear something strange?" Scott asked.

"Yeah. So Jackson broke up with Lydia and she said something really weird. It was kinda funny. I forget.... Oh! She said she saved him from being an evil lizard thing or whatever. What's that about?"

"She said that in front of you?"

"Yeah. Is it another inside joke or something? If it is then I wanna know!"

Scott and Stiles glanced at eachother.

"Oh um.. Jackson had a pet lizard.. and it was evil." Stiles said, awkwardly.

"It tried to umm uh kill him.." Stiles added.

"An evil lizard tried to kill Jackson? And Lydia saved him?" I asked, unconvinced.

"Yup." Stiles said.

"See?! This is what I'm talking about! It's like you guys are keeping something from me. Why can't you just tell me? What's the big deal about it?!" I said.

"Emily, it's more complicated than you think. If I told you now, you would never understand. You'll find out.. I'm just not ready  to tell you. And you're not ready to find out."

"It can't be that weird. You can tell me anything, Scott. I'll believe you."

"No, you won't, Emily."

"Whatever..." I said, walking away.

Scott's POV

"When are we going to tell her?" Stiles asked quietly.

"I don't know. If I tell her she's not going to believe me so I have to show her. But what if she's scared of me from then on? I'm scared she might freak out or tell everybody."

"Chances are she's going to freak out."

"Yeah and she has a thing for Isaac. And there's no way I'm letting her go out with him. That would put her in so much danger."

"Oh.. She likes Isaac?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I know you kinda- um really like her."

"Whatever. I'm no one's first choice anyway." He sighed.

"Well, if it helps, I'd much rather you she dated you, than him."


"Ok, look. I'll talk to her and try to make her like you."

"How are you going to do that?"

"I don't know. If you were captain of the lacrosse team, things would be so much easier."

"Alright fine, I'll start practicing more."

"Ok. And Lydia's single now, if you wanna go for her."

"I'm good. I never really realized why I liked her so much. She's not nice or anything like that. She's a total bitch to me and never even noticed. Why do I always fall for the wrong girls?"

"Like you're falling for Emily?"

The next day after practice, Stiles and I were in the locker room alone together. I washed my face and looked in the mirror. I saw him behind me.


"Scott, did Isaac tell you yet?"

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