Chapter 31

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I was at a loss for words. I tried to piece everything together. 

So: Avery has a kid. I have a niece or nephew now. They were both born as werewolves. My parents are working on a cure. 

She's definitely the one hoarding all that junk food in the kitchen. She always had a sweet tooth for cookies. 

"I mean, I already knew that Avery was a wolf. I just didn't know she had a kid. Like, how do you even know that a baby is a werewolf?" I asked. In situations like this, I'd typically get up and go to my room and think, but this was a breakthrough. The boys are gonna go nuts when I tell them that there is a possible cure and that I have a baby werewolf niece or nephew.

My mom put her palm out to show me the little scratches on her hand. "She was fine until her first full moon. She was sound asleep until we all heard that poor baby scream. All I did was try to hold her." 

My parents were giving me all of these answers but I still don't understand the full story.

"So what happened? Did Avery just show up pregnant one day after five years?"

They looked at each other. "Well, your mom and I have been in contact with her since she left. Nothing big though- just phone calls a couple times a month. Sometimes she would write us letters." My dad said.

"Did she write anything for me?"

"No. She never wanted you to find out. We didn't either. When she left, I don't think she ever intended on coming back home." My mom replied. 

"Why send me to Beacon Hills, then? You could have just told me all of this before she arrived."

My mom sighed. "You wouldn't have understood, Emily. We sent you there because we knew you were in good hands with Scott and his pack."

"Wait, how do you know Scott is a werewolf?" I asked. I didn't know how to react to the fact that they know. Maybe I underestimated my parents because there is no way they could have known that.  

"Avery told us there was a pack hiding up there. When they went to check it out, she saw Scott with them. I'm not exactly sure if they went up there to prey on the betas, but she somehow convinced her pack to leave them alone." My dad replied. 

"When did she go to Beacon Hills?" I asked, curiously. I think Aunt Melissa said Avery visited when we were 13, and I'm pretty sure Scott wasn't a wolf back then.

"Hmm... Maybe a year ago. I remember she called from a payphone." My dad said after thinking for a while.

Without hesitation, I decided to ask them about the Christmas cards. "Um, Aunt Melissa showed me some Christmas photos of Avery and her pack. They were taken in front of our old house, the one we lived in before we moved here. Did you guys have anything to do with that?"

"Surprisingly, no. That was her idea. We sold the house to a school and its currently being used as a sorority house now. She actually convinced a lot of people she went there." My dad said. 


I suppose I was hoping there would be more to the mystery Christmas cards. I didn't expect everything to be so simple. 

It was quiet for a while.

"I sure miss our Christmas cards though- as a whole family. With her missing, a lot of people would have asked questions. It was easier to not send them at all." My mom said.

 "Do you remember that one year where we had to stop taking Christmas pictures because she was so insecure about her eyes?" My dad asked, with a soft chuckle. 

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