Chapter 35

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Emily's POV

After that phone call with Isaac, my night was filled with tosses and turns. I just couldn't sleep. I mean, what if he's right? What if I am just trying to shape him into what I want? We've gotten into our fair share of arguments but this is by far our biggest one...

Half-awake, I heard my phone vibrate loudly against my wooden nightstand. I grabbed it and read an apology from Isaac. No matter how many times I read it, I still feel like I am over stepping a boundary. It isn't my body being genetically engineered- it's his. Perhaps I should just leave this whole cure thing alone. 

I sent him a text back

"no need to apologize... i know I've been overstepping and should give you some space. ask scott for my address if you make up your mind about this whole thing. not mad at you or anything btw. it's just a life changing decision that you should figure out on your own."

I was finally able to sleep after I finally spoke my mind. 

Isaac's POV

After a long night of thinking, I woke up to Emily's text. Apparently she needs "some space"? Really? What does that even mean? Is this a Ross and Rachel situation? Is this a break from our relationship? I'm genuinely confused. I typically wouldn't bring this up to anyone, but I feel like I need advice or a second opinion on this. 

I caught Scott before he was about to leave. "Scott, I need some... advice." He gave me a somewhat suspicious look. "Sure? Is it a wolf thing? Need to talk to Derek about it too?" He replied. I paused for a bit because it is a wolf thing. I really don't want to get Derek involved. I can already see this going down as a hot mess. "Well, it's a wolf and Emily thing." 

Scott just stared at me blankly. "You do something to my cousin or what?" 

Oh god, this really is my last resort. I can't tell Derek about the cure and I sure as fuck don't want to tell Jackson about it either. He would tell everyone and their mom about it. Would probably even be covered by TMZ or something. 

"Well... its more about what she wants to do to me." I told him. 

He just glared at me. "Look Isaac, I'm cool with you dating her, I really am, but don't tell me about whatever kinky shit you guys are into." Of course that's his first thought. 

"Jeez, I wasn't talking about anything sexual. Emily just told me that wants some space. I don't know what to do about it. Like, is it a break or what?"

He looked pretty relieved. "Ohhh. Nah, just don't talk to her for a few days. She probably wants you to, but I would just wait for her to reach out to you first." What a relief. "But, why does she want space, you guys get into a fight or something?" He followed up. 

I looked up the stairs to make sure no one was listening before I spoke. "Yes, but it isn't your typical fight. She told me that there's a cure for us- werewolves." 

Scott laughed in my face. "Alright, don't take Emily so seriously. She likes to joke a lot. Just because she said something doesn't make it true, man." Really? Take me seriously for once, Scott.  

"No. I'm being 100 percent serious. She told me that I can be the first one to take it. Her parents are the ones who created it. They don't know if it will work or not." 

His entire attitude changed within seconds. "We need to talk to the pack about this, Isaac." He said, pacing around the room. "If this is real, it's going to be dangerous." 

The pack? Derek would tear me to shreds if he found out I was even thinking of changing back. "Scott, we need to keep this a secret. I don't want anyone to find out- especially Derek. Imagine how fucking pissed he would be." 

He looked down, thinking. "You're right. We should at least talk to Deaton about it at least. That is- if its real." 

"What do you mean, 'if its real'?" I asked him. I don't think Emily would offer me a 'fake' cure. 

Scott leaned in a bit. "You don't know what Emily's parents are capable of. They're powerful people- no doubt. If they want to make something happen, they will. But a cure for werewolves? That is out of their ball game." 

I'm... still confused? "Well it isn't like I made my mind up about this. She already told me her parents are a little out there, but I don't think they want to hurt us. They are planning on using it on a baby for god's sake!" 

He rolled his eyes at me. "Don't you hear what I'm saying? My aunt and uncle want to use it on a BABY! That is all sorts of fucked up. Next level shit."

"Alright, fine. I get how it sounds. I'll level with you: you, Stiles and I go to see Deaton tonight and ask about it. How about that?" I asked. 

"Does Stiles even know about this?" 

"No, I figured I should tell you about it about it first." 

We both parted ways before Stiles's dad came home from his night shift. While I walked home, the feeling of regret lingered in my head. Perhaps I should have kept this whole thing a secret. What Stiles told me last night bothered me as well. I am living on borrowed time, but that doesn't change how I feel about Emily. I want to do all the stupid human crap with her that she always talks about: traveling, going to college, and hell, getting the fuck out of Beacon Hills." 

Maybe I have made up my mind... 

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