Chapter 32

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It felt odd seeing Avery again. She didn't look like she did in the Christmas photos. Her long, wavy, brown hair was back. She kind of looked the same, yet not as old as I anticipated, but then again, the last time I saw her was five years ago. Our reunion wasn't what I expected, but I wouldn't ask for less. 

"I told you that you would see me again." She told me in a quiet whisper as she embraced me. 

"We'll give you guys some time alone." My dad said, walking towards the family room with my mom. 

I looked down and saw baby Maxine in her car seat. Her eyes glimmered as she looked up at me.  I knew those green eyes; they were Luke's. 

Between sniffles, I broke the hug. "Maxine is beautiful, Avery," I told her. 

She let out a small chuckle and grabbed her out of the car seat. "I know," she said with a smile. "Do you want to hold her while I make her bottle?" 

"Of course."

Avery hesitated before handing her over to me. "Wait, you know how to hold a baby right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes."

"Okay, just making sure. I don't just don't want you dropping her or anything." She said, joking around. She placed Maxine in my arms. I've never seen such a calm baby. She didn't cry or whine.

I followed Avery into the kitchen. She put water in the bottle and began measuring baby formula. 

"You don't breastfeed?" I asked curiously. 

She sighed and leaned against the counter. 

"I used to, but my body healed so fast. I don't produce milk anymore." She said. "It is what it is though." 

Maxine held onto my finger as Avery put the bottle into the microwave. 

"Oh. I didn't know that." I could tell it bugged her. 

"Me neither." She said with a shrug as she took the bottle out. "You can bring her up to the nursery upstairs if you want. It's in mom and dad's old office. I'll meet you up there." 

"Okay. Is there still a lock on the door or?" I asked, playing dumb. 

"No, we actually removed it. The idea of locking your kid in their room is kind of harsh, isn't?" She asked with a laugh. 

I walked upstairs and entered the nursery with Maxine. I wasn't sure if I should put her in her crib or not, so I sat down on the couch with her. I felt like a crazy person as I made different faces to get her to smile at me. I think she laughed when I stuck my tongue out at her. 

I looked up and saw Avery smiling at me. She gently grabbed Maxine out of my arms. 

"You're good with her, you know." 

I was surprised. "Really? I always thought I'd be terrible with kids."

"Nah, I used to think like you. It's different when it becomes a reality." She told me. 

She felt around in her jeans before handing me my phone. "You left this in the kitchen. Who's Isaac and why is he blowing up your phone?" She asked with a smirk as she fed Maxine. 

I gave her a smile. "He's my boyfriend."

"Ohhh so that's who I smell on your sweatshirt." 

I opened my phone and saw that I had six notifications from Isaac- two calls and four texts. 

"You can call him back if you want. He was calling when I saw your phone downstairs."

"No, it's alright. He's probably just worried about me. We spend almost every day together. I'll just tell him I'll call before I go to bed." 

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