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I was not pregnant. I was shocked.... I really thought I was pregnant. I really wish I was. Omg how am I gonna tell chres. He wanted a lil Chresanto Jr. I just started crying. chres came running in the room.

chres- what's wrong?

me- I'm not pregnant

chres- what?!?!?! after all we did to try to get u pregnant...how bout this we go out to eat with some friends


chres goes back downstairs. I call my old friend abby. she lives in the east side of cali. I start getting ready I put on a black shirt with a heart on it. I also put on a pair of black pants. I put on a black pair of Jordan's. the doorbell rang. chres let abby in.

chres- bae abby is here

me- ok commin

I went downstairs to see abby. me and her ran into each others Arms. he kissed each other on the cheek. we pulled away from the hug. we all got into the car and went to the restaurant. the whole car ride abby kept asking me how I got a cute guy like Chresanto. all me and chres could do was laugh. when we got to the store all us three talked about is me and chres, her and her boyfriend, and her daughter. so turns out I'm a auntie!!!!!

haha u thought she was pregnant. but anyways happy fourth bitches watch fireworks, get high, get drunk haha TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!?!?!?!?

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