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"So, we haven't heard from Peter in a while," Hollis commented, throwing a sidelong glance at Stiles.

    "Yeah, I know." Stiles nodded but didn't add more to the conversation. Instead, he looked like he wanted to drop the topic entirely.

    Drumming her fingers against her leg, Hollis bit her bottom lip. The mystery of why Peter was suddenly missing in action bothered her. Not just bothered but worried. "It's kind of weird, though, right?" she asked, breaking the heavy silence. "Not that I want to see him. Because I don't but...it's nerve-wracking."

"Hollis," he started, shaking his head at her insistence on keeping the topic alive. "We should be happy that he's not around. We get a break and I -"

    "Look, I just want to know what he's up to, that's all." Sighing, Hollis looked at the road ahead. Her eyes took in the blur of the outside world but her mind was focused solely on Peter. Three days of silence didn't seem like a lot but, when it came to Peter, it was an eternity. A frightening, daunting eternity. Hollis was tired of looking over her shoulder and wondering when or if he would show up. Her mind refused to quiet down; the thoughts pushing their way through. "And we still haven't found Derek," she pointed out. Their unspecified amount of time was dwindling down each day with no idea when it would be up. "I don't even know how much time he gave us to find Derek," she said, recalling her brief conversation with Peter a few days ago. All she had gotten from him was 'no promises' and, that alone, felt equally as unnerving as an answer with a deadline. "You know he'll get tired of waiting and when he does...I don't want to think about what he'll do."

    "We'll find him before Peter has a chance to do anything," Stiles told her reassuringly but there was a ghost of worry in his voice. "Don't worry," he added for both their sakes.

    Hollis nodded, somewhat unconvinced. Her attention drifted towards the school as it came into view, bright against the night sky. Lights adorned the entirety of the entrance and snowflake projections twinkled on the exterior. It was like a magical winter wonderland. The sight should've been enough of a reason to smile, but the troublesome thoughts trapped the happiness inside her.

    Unable to let this go, she let out an audible sigh as the Jeep pulled into an available spot. "You and Scott have been telling me how dangerous Peter is and now I'm supposed to not worry? He's killed people and.... I don't know."

    "Hollis, we're all worried. Scott is and so am I but worrying about it isn't going to help. You're going to drive yourself crazy thinking about this." He reached for her hand and stopped the nervous drumming she'd being doing for the past twenty minutes. Lacing his fingers through hers, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm just saying, we're at the dance. Let's just be normal for a night."

    Hollis tilted her head, seeming to consider his words. "I guess but -"

    "No. We're taking a break from all this." Before she could even reply, Stiles jumped out of the car and ran to her side, opening the door. "Coming?" He asked, holding his hand to help her out.

    Taking his hand, she stepped out of the car. The chilly air nipped at her, causing an involuntary shudder as she straightened out her dress.

    "You look really beautiful."

    Hollis' smile grew at the compliment. "Thanks," she said, then taking a step forward, kissed him.

    "What was that for?" Stiles asked when the kiss ended.

    Hollis shrugged, a happy smile on her face. "For being you."

    He returned the smile. "Ready to go in?" He asked, noticing the second shiver that passed through her.

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