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Two uniformed deputies escorted Hollis and Jackson through the halls of the hospital. Both covered in dirt and blood, they were like a scene out of a horror movie. Save for a few odd looks thrown their way, no one seemed to pay them any attention. The hospital staff was probably more than used to seeing blood and the families who waited for loved ones were too preoccupied with their own problems to notice the two teenagers.

As the sign for the Intensive Care Unit came into view, their footsteps pounded on the tiled floor. Their panic echoed in every step they took as they raced across the hall with the deputies at their heels.

"Where's Lydia? Where is she?" Jackson yelled, rounding the corner with Hollis a few steps behind.

Sheriff Stilinski looked up from where he stood with two plainclothes officers. The conversation he had been in the midst of ended abruptly. His kind demeanor vanished at the sight of Jackson. Without a second thought, he grabbed Jackson by the coat and slammed him against the wall.

Hollis stopped in surprise at the Sheriff's uncharacteristic behavior.

"What the hell happened to that girl?" The Sheriff asked.

"I--I don't know," Jackson stammered, shaking his head. "We went out looking for her...," he trailed off, throwing a look in her direction.

"We? Who's we?" The Sheriff asked.

"Me. And Jackson," Hollis spoke up, taking a step forward.

The Sheriff looked towards her with surprise. He turned back to Jackson, continuing the interrogation. "And what? You wandered into the middle of a field and just found her like that?" Although Hollis had spoken up before, his anger was directed solely at Jackson. "What happened?"

"It's not my fault," Jackson argued, losing some of the fear.

"She's your girlfriend--"

"No, she's not. I didn't go with her to the formal," Jackson said, shaking his head.

"Then who did?" The Sheriff loosened his grip on his jacket, seeming confused by the information he had received.

"Carter," Hollis spoke up. "Jackson and I just found her like that."

Releasing his hold on him, he stayed quiet and tried to process everything. After about a minute, he turned to Hollis as a new problem presented itself. "Where's Stiles?" He asked, looking past her.

"He's...," Hollis trailed off, wondering what to tell him. The truth was out of the question but she didn't know what else to say. Saying that she didn't know would only make him worry and, with everything they were all dealing with, she didn't want that. "I think he's with Scott," she said but the worry didn't leave his face. It was probably due to the uncertainty of her words or expression. Or perhaps both.

The Sheriff turned towards the two deputies. "Somebody find my son," he said before he gestured for Hollis to follow him. They stepped off to the side, away from Jackson and the officers. "I feel like I'm not getting the whole story here. What happened?" His tone was gentler, unlike the one he had with Jackson before.

Hollis opened her mouth but closed it. "I don't know," she said with a shrug. "I went looking for Lydia after Carter said she went to find Jackson. When I got to the lacrosse field, she was...." Images flashed through her mind, bringing back the painful memories once more. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "She was hurt. Then Jackson came to help and...," she paused with a shrug, looking around the hospital.

He nodded understandingly, although he hadn't learned much else about that night's' events. "Did Jackson...."

"No," Hollis said adamantly, shaking her head. "He didn't hurt her. He wouldn't."

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