Arthur Tries Bull Fighting.

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"What the hell are those!?" Mordred glared at me, staring at a bead bracelett that I had around my wrist,  which.. actually only had one bead, the bead being bright royal blue in color, with the picture of a sword in a stone painted on it.

"Camp Beads." I said. "they make them after every year, and their design varies depending what was important that year."

I spoke truly. Annabeth had her own bead bracelet, with plenty more beads than me. Of course the sword in the stone one was for last year to signify my role in stopping a war between the gods, though considering Mordred's belief that SHE should've been the true King of Camelot, I imagined seeing the image must have been insulting to her.

"Camp!?" said Mordred. "I've... been searching ALL OVER THE FREAKING COUNTRY... and you mean to tell me.. all this time.. YOU'VE BEEN WHOOPING IT UP AT A SUMMER CAMP!?"

"HEY!!" Annabeth stepped in between me and Mordred, glaring at her. "For your information, she spent the past summer stopping world war 3! So watch it murderer!!"

"MURDERER!?" Mordred growled. "Oho.. if anything I'm a liberator!! Claiming what rightfully should have been mine!! I am his SON!! And my Father.. refused to acknowledge.. me. .or even claim me.. and you know other stupid lie he told me? King Arthur... tells me.. he never held any grudge against me.. that I LACKED THE CAPACITY TO BE KING!! You know how that feels.. when you're groomed all your life to take over for somebody you idolized your whole life.. and BAM!! He says.. you're not worthy!!!"

Mordred breathed hard, her yelling fit having made Annabeth back up a little in shock. It seemed as if Mordred had wanted to say this for years..

That's right.. Mordred, Knight of Rebellion.. A homunculus that my half sister Morgan Le Fey made from my genetic material, part of a plot to overthrow me. 

Of course, Mordred didn't know that before, she had joined the Knights of the Round Table, never removing her helm by Morgan Le Fey's instruction to keep her identity hidden until the right moment.. also concealing her gender,  admiring me.. serving me loyally to the point she almost worshiped me.. and all that had been ruined when Morgan Le Fey revealed the true nature of her existance to her.. while at the same time I refused to pass the throne to her.

What I said was true, I didn't believe Mordred could handle being king, to me, she was too innocent and not attuned to the ugly side of the world.. well my refusal attuned her to the ugliness alright.. and I still felt guilty about it..

"Wait.. you call Saber father." said Percy. "But.. wouldn't she technically be your mother?" 

"Mother!?" said Mordred. "oh.. yeah.. okay, I'll admit, going in that locker room and seeing that my King all this time has been a... woman.. was kind of shocking.. "

Mordred stared at me. "Then again.. considering you wear a dress most of the time I can't seem to figure out why I didn't figure it out.."

Mordred then looked at Tyson. "What!?"

"You're pretty.." 

"... well you aren't wrong." said Mordred with a shrug.

"If you're here to kill me." I said. "then leave them out of it, this matter is between you and me."

Mordred gritted her teeth and shut her eyes. "Damn it all.. I'm not here to kill you.. as much as I'd LOVE to..  I'm actually here to.. to.. "

"Yes?" said Percy.

"Request.. asylum.. in this sanctuary I keep on hearing about.." Mordred muttered. "Somebody was spreading rumors about a place for Servants to be safe, and that they had a way to get rid of this.."

King Arthur and the Olympians: The Sea of MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now